Search and Replace Value in PHP Array

search and replace value in PHP array

While there isn't one function equivalent to the sample code, you can use array_keys (with the optional search value parameter), array_fill and array_replace to achieve the same thing:

EDIT by Tomas: the code was not working, corrected it:

$ar = array_replace($ar,
array_keys($ar, $value),

How to replace array values according to a value replace map in PHP?

$origin = ['value1', 'value2', 'value3', '-2'];

$replace_map = [
'value1' => 'replace1',
'value2' => 'replace2',
'value8' => 'replace8',
2 => 77

$new = array_map(function($i) use($replace_map) {
return preg_replace_callback('/^(-)*(.+)$/',
function($m) use($replace_map) {
return $m[1] . $replace_map[$m[2]];
}, $origin);


[0] => replace1
[1] => replace2
[2] => value3
[3] => -77

Search and replace inside an associative array

$myarray = array("user1" => "search1", "user2" => "search2" );

foreach($myarray as $key => $val)
if ($val == 'search1') $myarray[$key] = 'search4';

Simple way to replace value in array in PHP when you know the index

To initialize an Array you have to use [] or the function array:

In your example:

$myarray = array();

If you want to add a series of values with the default key assignment you only have to put in between the parenthesis: array(color1, color2, color3)

$myarray = array('blue', 'red', 'yellow')

Then you can view what is on your variable, using: print_r($myarray)

// this will output:
[0] => blue
[1] => red
[2] => yellow

After this, now you can change the key => value, as you want:

$index = 0;
$myarray[$index] = "purple";

//this will now output:
[0] => purple
[1] => red
[2] => yellow

And your job is done.


  • In your question, you are using two differents arrays: $myarray and $array, you are having an error because $array[$index] is different to the first $myarray[$i] = "some color...this changes with each iteration of loop";

  • Use print_r($yourVariable) to show what is in the variable to debug what you are doing wrong.

PHP replace string with values from array

Can you try this,

    $string ="Hello <%First Name%> <%Last Name%> welcome";
$Array = array('0' => array ('First Name' => 'John', 'Last Name' => 'Smith' ));
$Html =$string;
foreach($datas[1] as $value){
$Html =str_replace($value, $Array[0][$value], $Html);
echo str_replace(array("<%","%>"),'',$Html);

Using PHP, search an array by key and replace value in another array with value from matched key

You can do it as following:

foreach($array_a as $elemKey => $elemValue){
foreach($elemValue as $itemKey => $itemValue){
$array_a[$elemKey][$itemKey]['label'] = $array_b[$array_a[$elemKey][$itemKey]['label']];


This will return:

[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => name
[label] => Name:

[1] => Array
[name] => phone_office
[label] => Office phone:


[1] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => website
[label] => Website:

[1] => Array
[name] => phone_fax
[label] => Fax number:



PHP - Replace values in an array

Use an array. In the index you write the english name, the value the french name.

$arrayAux = [
'red' => 'rouge',
'black' => 'noir',

Then, when you want the array with the french colors:

$frenshColors = array();
foreach ($englishColors as $color) {
if (array_key_exists($color, $arrayAux)) {
$frenshColors[] = $arrayAux[$color];
} else {
$frenshColors[] = $color;

Replacing values in an array basing on values from another

You can use array_column to make the userId as the key and worth as the value.

Use map to reiterate the first array. Check if the key exist, if exist replace the value.

$arr1 = [{"id":1,"value":40},{"id":2,"value":30}];
$arr2 = [{"userId":1,"worth":20},{"userId":2,"worth":10}];

//Use array_column to make the userId as the key and worth as the value.
$arr2 = array_column($arr2, 'worth', 'userId');

//Use `map` to reiterate the first array. Check if the key exist on $arr2, if exist replace the `value`. If not replace it with empty string.
$results = array_map( function($v) use ( $arr2 ) {
$valueInArr2 = array_search($v->id, array_column($arr2, 'userId'));
$v->value = $valueInArr2 ? $valueInArr2 : "";
return $v;
}, $arr1);

echo "<pre>";
print_r( $results);
echo "</pre>";

This will result to:

[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[value] => 20

[1] => Array
[id] => 2
[value] => 10


Update: Using Object. I have not tested this.

$arr1 = .....;
$arr2 = .....;

//Make the object into array
$arr2 = array_reduce($arr2, function($c,$v) {
$c[ $v->userId ] = array(
'worth' => $v->worth;
'userId' => $v->userId;
return $c;

//Update the first array
$results = array_map( function( $v ) use ( $arr2 ) {
$val = array( 'id' => $v->id );
$val['value'] = isset( $arr2[ $v->id ] ) ? $arr2[ $v->id ] : "";
return $v;
}, $arr1);

find key and replace value in php array / how to

A simple loop would work, but actually it is not even required:

$data = [
[ 'app_setting_key' => "dh_company_name", '[app_setting_value' => "ABCsss" ],
[ 'app_setting_key' => "dh_address_one", 'app_setting_value' => "123 A big streetsss" ],
[ 'app_setting_key' => "dh_address_two", 'app_setting_value' => "a big city" ],
[ 'app_setting_key' => "dh_address_country", 'app_setting_value' => "JP" ],
[ 'app_setting_key' => "dh_email", 'app_setting_value' => "" ],
[ 'app_setting_key' => "dh_phone_country", 'app_setting_value' => "JP" ],
[ 'app_setting_key' => "dh_phone_number", 'app_setting_value' => "80-3245-6000" ]

$key = array_search("dh_phone_number", array_column($data, 'app_setting_key'));
$data[$key]['app_setting_value'] = "+81-80-5555-5555";


The output obviously is:

array(7) {
array(2) {
string(15) "dh_company_name"
string(6) "ABCsss"
array(2) {
string(14) "dh_address_one"
string(19) "123 A big streetsss"
array(2) {
string(14) "dh_address_two"
string(10) "a big city"
array(2) {
string(18) "dh_address_country"
string(2) "JP"
array(2) {
string(8) "dh_email"
string(19) ""
array(2) {
string(16) "dh_phone_country"
string(2) "JP"
array(2) {
string(15) "dh_phone_number"
string(16) "+81-80-5555-5555"

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