Regular Expression to Collect Everything After the Last /

Regular Expression for getting everything after last slash

No, an ^ inside [] means negation.

[/] stands for 'any character in set [/]'.

[^/] stands for 'any character not in set [/]'.

Regular Expression to collect everything after the last /

This matches at least one of (anything not a slash) followed by end of the string:



  • No parens because it doesn't need any groups - result goes into group 0 (the match itself).
  • Uses + (instead of *) so that if the last character is a slash it fails to match (rather than matching empty string).

But, most likely a faster and simpler solution is to use your language's built-in string list processing functionality - i.e. ListLast( Text , '/' ) or equivalent function.

For PHP, the closest function is strrchr which works like this:

strrchr( Text , '/' )

This includes the slash in the results - as per Teddy's comment below, you can remove the slash with substr:

substr( strrchr( Text, '/' ), 1 );

Regex to get the entire string after last occurrence of # in a string

let myRegex = new RegExp(/^[^]*(#[^]*)$/);
let matches = myRegex.exec("%sdfsdf#\n##sdgsdf\ngdf#sadgofofo#jhjhj\nhjh");
let myResult = matches[1]

The pattern break down is this:

'^' start at the beginning of the string
'[^]*' match everything including line breaks as much as you can including any '#'
'(#[^]*)' group a match of the final '#' and anything following it, including line breaks
'$' to the end of the string

Regex is greedy so it will suck up everything and land on the final '#' using the pattern above.
The '[^]' is used to match on line breaks.
I learned that from the MDN site examples here:

Here is a wonderful regular expression testing site if you have not found it yet:

Here is a JS Fiddle of the above solution

Regex to match everything after the last occurrence of a string

Sorry I did not catch you wanted after:


Using this:


You have an array where the second element is what you look for.

Tested code:

var text = '<p>Foo bar bar bar foo</p> <p>Foo bar bar foo</p> This Foo bar foo bar <br>';
var patt = new RegExp(".*<\/p>(.*)$");
var matched = patt.exec(text);



Sample Image

regular expression match everything after the last space with the word of max 2 or 5 characters

You might use a capturing group if you want to capture the value (or make it non capturing (?:) with a character class and an alternation using | to match either 2 word chars or match 5 times one of the listed.


Regex demo

Note that \s could also match a newline.

If the / and - can not occur 2 times after each other, not at the start or end and there must be at least 1 occurrence of them:


Regex demo

Or make the second part of the string optional


Regex demo

How can I match everything that is after the last occurrence of some char in a perl regular expression?

my($substr) = $string =~ /.*x(.*)/;

From perldoc perlre:

By default, a quantified subpattern is "greedy", that is, it will match
as many times as possible (given a particular starting location) while
still allowing the rest of the pattern to match.

That's why .*x will match up to the last occurence of x.

Regex - everything after the last occurrence

Without using a group, you could make use of lookarounds:

  • (?<=\bABC\s) Positive lookbehind, assert ABC and a whitespace char to the left
  • (?!.*\bABC\b) Negative lookahead, assert no occurrence of ABC to the right
  • .* Match any char 0+ times (or .+ if there should at least be a single character)

Regex demo | Python demo

If you want to support quantifier in the lookbehind assertion, you could use the PyPi regex module. For example

(?<=\bABC \d+ )(?!.*\bABC\b).*

Regex demo | Pyhon demo

Javascript Regex match everything after last occurrence of string

One option would be to match everything up until the last [/quote], and then get anything following it. (example)


This works since .* is inherently greedy, and it will match every up until the last \[\/quote\].

Based on the string you provided, this would be the first capturing group match:

\nThis is all the text I\'m wirting about myself.\n\nLook at me ma. Javascript.

But since your string contains new lines, and . doesn't match newlines, you could use [\s\S] in place of . in order to match anything.

Updated Example


You could also avoid regex and use the .lastIndexOf() method along with .slice():

Updated Example

var match = '[\/quote]';
var textAfterLastQuote = str.slice(str.lastIndexOf(match) + match.length);
document.getElementById('res').innerHTML = "Results: " + textAfterLastQuote;

Alternatively, you could also use .split() and then get the last value in the array:

Updated Example

var textAfterLastQuote = str.split('[\/quote]').pop();
document.getElementById('res').innerHTML = "Results: " + textAfterLastQuote;

Regex for matching everything after second-to-last backslash

You can use


See regex demo

The [^\\]+\\[^\\]+$ matches

  • [^\\]+ - 1 or more symbols other than \
  • \\ - a literal \
  • [^\\]+ - 1 or more symbols other than \
  • $ - end of string.

In C#, a more efficient way to match some substring at the end is using RegexOptions.RightToLeft modifier. Use it to make this regex search more efficient.

C# demo:

var line = @"0001 Lorem ipsum dolor sit\011 tortor neque\ 0111\interdum magn";
var pattern = @"[^\\]+\\[^\\]+$";
var result = Regex.Match(line, pattern, RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
if (result.Success)
Console.WriteLine(result.Value); // => " 0111\interdum magn"

Just a comparison of the regex effeciency with and without RTL option at

Sample Image

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