Symfony2 and Date_Default_Timezone_Get() - It Is Not Safe to Rely on the System's Timezone Settings

Symfony2 and date_default_timezone_get() - It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings

Maybe you are trying to set it in Apache's php.ini, but your CLI (Command Line Interface) php.ini is not good.

Find your php.ini file with the following command:

php -i | grep php.ini

And then search for date.timezone and set it to "Europe/Amsterdam". all valid timezone will be found here

Another way (if the other does not work), search for the file AppKernel.php, which should be under the folder app of your Symfony project directory. Overwrite the __construct function below in the class AppKernel:


class AppKernel extends Kernel
// Other methods and variables

// Append this init function below

public function __construct($environment, $debug)
date_default_timezone_set( 'Europe/Paris' );
parent::__construct($environment, $debug);


date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings

Default php.ini in OS X is located at:


Anyway, you'll can either tell CLI php to load MAMP settings, or use an alias of MAMP command itself.

Acme Bundle Installation error: Warning it is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings

You need to set the parameter date.timezone in your php.ini for every valid timezone and after that do not forget to restart Apache, try if this solve your issue


I'm not use LAMP environment since I work with Linux but things should be the same as Mac is *nix. Anyway, you should find where php.ini file is under your directory structure (again I not use MacOS so I can't help here) and open it with any text editor or console text editor (personally I prefer this one) and find for that string date.timezone when you found it just uncomment that line by removing the ; symbol at front of the string and add a valid timezone lets said for example Europe/Amsterdam then you should have something like:

date.timezone = Europe/Amsterdam

That's all, restart your LAMP environment if you use any stack application or just restart Apache service, that will be all

Symfony 2.7: default timezone not set, causing fatal error

it is recommended that you set the timezone in php.ini but if you are in shared environment or if you don't have access to it for some reason you can add this in app/AppKernel.php

class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function __construct($environment, $debug)
date_default_timezone_set( 'America/Detroit' );
parent::__construct($environment, $debug);

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