PHP With MySQL 8.0+ Error: the Server Requested Authentication Method Unknown to the Client

php mysqli_connect: authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]

As of PHP 7.4, this is no longer an issue. Support for caching_sha2 authentication method has been added to mysqlnd.

Currently, PHP mysqli extension do not support new caching_sha2 authentication feature.
You have to wait until they release an update.

Check related post from MySQL developers:

They didn't mention PDO, maybe you should try to connect with PDO.

PHP 7.2.2 + mysql 8.0 PDO gives: authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]

If you want to use MySQL >= 8 and you don't care about caching_sha2_password, just select the second option when you install.

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