Convert Flat Array to a Delimited String to Be Saved in the Database

Convert flat array to a delimited string to be saved in the database

Use implode


Convert flat array to a delimited string to be saved in the database

Use implode


How to convert PHP multidimensional associative array to API http query in the format the API specifies?

The project parameter is JSON in their example, so use json_encode() to create that.

$folder_data = array(
"title" => "Testing API Creation",
"description" => "Testing the Wrike API by creating this folder.",
"project" => json_encode(array(
"status" => "OnHold",
"startDate" => "2022-05-19",
"endDate" => "2022-06-19",
"contractType" => "Billable",
"budget" => 100

Fastest way to convert php associate array to string

Use the implode function:

$str = implode(array('a', 'b', 'c'));

Codeigniter 4 Seeder gives an error, Array to string conversion

Not all of the entries in $data have the same keys.

CodeIgniter takes the keys from the first entry ('dh_setting_key', 'dh_setting_value', 'dh_setting_created_at', 'dh_setting_updated_at') and uses these keys to check all of the entries in $data.

If the keys of an entry are the same, it creates a string with the entry's values.

If the keys of an entry are different, it creates an empty array.

For the INSERT query, CodeIgniter then tries to concatenate the value strings with the empty array, which is not allowed and gives the error.

To fix, add 'dh_setting_context' => null, to the other entries.

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