Php: Variable Not Working Inside of Function

PHP: variable not working inside of function?

Because it's not defined in the function.

There are a few ways to go about this:

1) Use what Alex said by telling the function it is a global variable:

echo $path; // working

function createList($retval) {
global $path;

echo $path; // working

2) Define it as a constant:

define(PATH, "/my/test/path"); // You can put this in an include file as well.

echo PATH; // working

function createList($retval) {
echo PATH; // working

3) Pass it into the function if it's specific to that function:

echo $path; // working

function createList($retval, $path) {
echo $path; // working

Based on how the function really works, one of those will do ya.

PHP global variables not working inside a function

Looks like homework, still:


$bool = 1;


function boo() {
global $bool;

if ($bool == 1) {
$bool = 2;
echo 'Hello World';





$bool = 1;


function boo(&$bool) {

if ($bool == 1) {
$bool = 2;
echo 'Hello World';



PHP variable not working when referenced with '$'

Omit the leading $ from $project_key in the following line:


It should be:


The $ in a variable is not part of the variables name, so you don't need to include it when referencing it in a variable variable.

PHP use variable inside function

This is basic PHP. $date_stamp is out of scope within your function. To be in scope you must pass it as a parameter:

$date_stamp = date("dmy",time());

function myfunction($date) {
echo $date;

// call function

See PHP variable scope.

Php get function variable outside not working

since the variables '$var','$var2' and '$var3' are local variable for the function variables so it has no existence unless the function is called or executed.

So there are two methods to fix your issue

  1. Method one make the variable global.

    // Declaring the global veriable

    function variables()
    { // method 2 to declare global
    GLOBAL $var = rand(1111,9999);
    GLOBAL $var2 = rand(11111,99999);
    GLOBAL $var3 = rand(111111,999999);

but still, if u want to get the rand value from the function u need to call the function at least once

     // calling the function
echo variables([$var]);
echo variables([$var2]);
echo variables([$var3]);


hope you got the solution if not just comment I will help u out with this for sure

Why php variable scope not working in function

If variables are defined outside the function, you need to specify the global keyword. Such as:

function test(){
global $a, $b;
echo $a.$b;
test(); // error

But your second example is the recommended way of handling it, typically.

How to fix? PHP variable not shows values inside function

What you are looking for is the "USE" keyword (for anonymous functions, as you are using in your second example). This allows additional variables from the parent scope to be passed into the closure. Its usage can be a little tricky, see the official PHP anonymous function documentation for more information (specifically, see example #3).

$line_second = $imageMeta[2];
$text_line2 = function (TextToImage $handler) use ($line_second) {

->position(250, 150)
->font(20, __DIR__ . '/Roboto-Black.ttf')
->color(0, 0, 0);

Variable not working inside If statement

First, You can define outside the if condition.

 $SubmissionID = "";
$CourseID = "";
if (isset($_POST['modifybtn'])) { //Now we have our variables all set
$SubmissionID = $_POST['modifybtn'];
$CourseID = $_POST['courseid'];
//We do some irrelevant stuff here.... and then

echo $CourseID; //Works
if (isset($_POST['savebtn'])) {
echo $CourseID; //Now it will Working

saveData($AppID, $CourseID);
header("Location: applicantCase.php");
if (isset($_POST['nextbtn'])) {
saveData($AppID, $CourseID); // Now it will work
header("Location: ApplicantApplyEducation.php");

global variable not working inside function

Your variables $country_table and $cities_table won't be defined because you didn't bring in the global $wpdb before you tried to use it in those vars. Try this instead:

global $wpdb;
$country_table = $wpdb->prefix . "trackbyid_country";
$cities_table = $wpdb->prefix . "trackbyid_cities";

function database_creation(){
global $country_table, $cities_table;



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