Paypal Smart Subscribe Server Side

PayPal Smart Subscribe server side

I'm not aware of a demo sample, but the createSubscription portion can be be done via this API call:

For subscriptions, by default the subscription will be activated automatically on approval, before onApprove is called.

You can set the application_context -> user_action to something other than SUBSCRIBE_NOW if you want to show a review step and activate with an API call.

PayPal Smart Payment Buttons integration with server-side REST API

You are looking for this front-end:

For your backend, you should use the latest v2/orders SDK:

(Your v1/payments backend will work, but that SDK is deprecated and there is no reason to use it for a new integration)

PayPal Smart Button server side implementation - Problems with capturing transaction - PHP

This is your problem line:

CaptureOrder::captureOrder('$orderId', true);

You are literally sending the text string inside the single quotes: '$orderId' to PayPal. The $ and those 7 letters are going to PayPal. You are not sending the contents of your $orderId variable.

Get rid of your string quotes:

CaptureOrder::captureOrder($orderId, true);

By the way, a detail about PHP (and incidentally, shell languages like bash) you may not be aware of:

Note: Unlike the double-quoted and heredoc syntaxes, variables and escape sequences for special characters will not be expanded when they occur in single quoted strings.


Basically, double quotes and single quotes behave differently in this respect.

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