Php's File_Exists() Will Not Work for Me

PHP's file_exists() will not work for me?

file_exists() needs to use a file path on the hard drive, not a URL. So you should have something more like:

$thumb_name = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . 'images/userphoto/1/2/2/59874a886a0356abc1_thumb9.jpg';
if(file_exists($thumb_name)) {

PHP file_exists not working

The function you are using, file_exists, uses physical paths, the parameter you need to provide should be the address on that server where the file can be found, and not an url

Sou you should have something like


instead of


So you need to check if the file exists on the server locally and after that you can use an url to make it available to the public (in img src)

You can see on the man page that this function only works with some URL wrappers, so it is better to use paths and not urls (I guess it depends on allow url fopen setting)

File_exists function is not working

The problem was in the directory file_exists function tests a file location it can't test a url here is the code :

// set the default to the no find image
$img_src = base_url() . "assets/produits/none.png";

foreach ($rows as $row) {
$nom = $row->nShape;
$type = array(".jpeg", ".jpg");

foreach ($type as $ext) {
$file_name = $nom . $ext;

if (file_exists("./assets/produits/".$file_name)) {
$img_src = base_url() . 'assets/produits/'.$file_name;;
// we found a file that exists 'get out of dodge'

PHP: file_exists() not working properly.

Note that file_exists() takes an absolute path. It is not broken for you, you are just passing an incorrect path that does not exist. What you are looking for is a relative path.

In your current solution, you are looking for /project in the root of the filesystem, which I almost guarantee you don't want.

To use a relative path instead, you will need to use __DIR__ . '/../relative/path/here', where __DIR__ is the currently executing PHP file's directory.

File_exists failing for some files

I figured it out. I thought it didn't apply to me but it turns out it was file permissions. I had to go into the advanced windows file permissions and get them set.

If you bump into this along with thousands of others and think it's not file permissions and that you've checked them...go check them again.

PHP file_exists does not work. It seems to be reversing true and false

What happens if you change $URLPath from

$URLPath = "http://localhost/~matthew/";


$URLPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/~matthew/";

function file_exists not working in php

You are passing URL to the file_exists function which is wrong. Instead of that pass your local path of the folder.


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