PHP Mkdir: Permission Denied Problem

PHP mkdir():Permission denied

Thank you for your help, I followed your advice and it turned out that my host provider prevented the functionality in an obscure "setting" location accessible via the cPanel. Previously (i.e. on my older test server/account), the accounts were set up automatically to allow read/write access, the newer accounts are set up to as read-only and require the account owner to make the switch via the setting.

PHP: mkdir() permission denied

The problem had nothing to do with permissions, but with the location of the target path. It was a relative path, but I converted it to an absolute path with the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] variable.

Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in php

First you need to change

if(mkdir('../../conversation'.$email , 0777 ,true))

if(mkdir('../../conversation/'.$email , 0777 ,true))

ie if you wish to create subfolders.

Then you need to make sure that write permissions
are enabled for the user running the php, usually www-data.

If not sure, you could use the below command :

ps aux | egrep '(apache|httpd)'

to determine which user apache is running as.

Using chmod to enable write permissions for all the users to a folder is dangerous.

So you could use setfacl command as root like below.

setfacl -m u:www-data:w /path/to/conversation

mkdir(): Permission denied when making directories using PHP

I lost my patience and did things in an easy way. So, I worked around this by contacting strings before they enter the database. So I now pull only one variable from the query and everything works as it should.

Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in hostinger

You can try like below


$domain = $_SESSION['domain'];
$mydomain = "/" . $domain;
echo $_SESSION['domain'] . " " . $mydomain . "<br />";

$old = umask(0);
$mk = mkdir($mydomain, 0777, true);

if ($mk){
echo "directory created";
chmod($mydomain, 0777);

if mkdir() Not worked, You need to change permissions using chmod()

Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied

To avoid spending too much time on permissions problems between the CLI user and the Apache user, an easy configuration is to use same user for both processes.

Get your user id and group by doing

$ id
uid=1000(my_user), gid=1000(my_group), ...

And then:

$ sudo service apache2 stop
$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/envvars
export APACHE_RUN_USER=my_user
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=my_group
$ sudo chown -R my_user /var/lock/apache2

it's better and safer than to change you whole directory permission to 777

php mkdir() Permission denied when used as recursive

To be able to work with directories you need execute permission (Execute vs Read bit. How do directory permissions in Linux work?) if you don't have execute permission you can't change into the directory which is a bit limiting. So you need to create them with 755 permissions...

php -r 'mkdir("./test", 0755, true);'

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