PHP - Get Base64 Img String Decode and Save as Jpg (Resulting Empty Image )

PHP - get base64 img string decode and save as jpg (resulting empty image )

AFAIK, You have to use image function imagecreatefromstring, imagejpeg to create the images.

$imageData = base64_decode($imageData);
$source = imagecreatefromstring($imageData);
$rotate = imagerotate($source, $angle, 0); // if want to rotate the image
$imageSave = imagejpeg($rotate,$imageName,100);

Hope this will help.


$imageDataEncoded = base64_encode(file_get_contents('sample.png'));
$imageData = base64_decode($imageDataEncoded);
$source = imagecreatefromstring($imageData);
$angle = 90;
$rotate = imagerotate($source, $angle, 0); // if want to rotate the image
$imageName = "hello1.png";
$imageSave = imagejpeg($rotate,$imageName,100);

So Following is the php part of your program .. NOTE the change with comment Change is here

    $uploadedPhotos = array('photo_1','photo_2','photo_3','photo_4');
foreach ($uploadedPhotos as $file) {
$imageData = base64_decode($this->input->post($file)); // <-- **Change is here for variable name only**
$photo = imagecreatefromstring($imageData); // <-- **Change is here**

/* Set name of the photo for show in the form */
/*set time of the upload*/
$datetime_upload = $this->session->userdata('uploading_on_datetime',true);

/* create temp dir with time and user id */
$new_dir = 'temp/user_'.$this->session->userdata('user_id',true).'_on_'.$datetime_upload.'/';
/* move uploaded file with new name */
// @file_put_contents( $new_dir.$file.'.jpg',imagejpeg($photo));
imagejpeg($photo,$new_dir.$file.'.jpg',100); // <-- **Change is here**


How to convert an image to Base64 encoding

I think that it should be:

$path = 'myfolder/myimage.png';
$type = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$data = file_get_contents($path);
$base64 = 'data:image/' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode($data);

PHP base64_decode yields invalid image file

% characters are not allowed in the b64 set. It looks like your string is url-encoded. urldecode() it before passing it to base64_decode().

It works in the browser like it is because they always decode url attributes.

Get image type from base64 encoded src string

Well you have basically two options:

  1. Trust the metadata
  2. Type check the image source directly

Option 1:

Probably the quicker way because it only involve splitting string, but it may be incorrect.
Something like:

$data = '.';
$pos = strpos($data, ';');
$type = explode(':', substr($data, 0, $pos))[1];

Option 2:

Use getimagesize() and it's equivalent for string:

$info = getimagesizefromstring(explode(',', base64_decode($data)[1], 2));
// $info['mime']; contains the mimetype

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