Php: $_Get and $_Post in Functions

PHP: $_GET and $_POST in functions?

When do you you need to include POST
and GET methods as parameters to

I would say "never": $_GET and $_POST are what is called superglobals: they exists in the whole script; which means they exist inside functions/methods.

Especially, you don't need to you the global keyword for those.

Still, relying on those in your functions/methods is quite a bad practice: your functions/methods should generally not depend on anything not passed as a parameter.

What I mean is; consider those two functions:

function check_login_password()
$login = $_GET['login'];
$password = $_GET['password'];
// Work with $login and $password


* Check login and password
* @param $login string
* @param $password string
* @return boolean
function check_login_password($login, $password)
// Work with $login and $password

OK, with the first one, you don't have to pass two parameters... But that function will not be independent and will not work in any situation where you'd have to check a couple of login/password that doesn't come from $_GET.

With the second function, the caller is responsible for passing the right parameters; which mean they can come from wherever you want: the function will always be able to do its job.

Passing $_POST/$_GET as a parameter to function

IMHO it's a practice of abstraction, and there are benefits:

  1. Generality: by receiving $_POST as a parameter, the function becomes less tightly coupled to $_POST. The function may serve more scenarios & possibly be more reusable.

  2. Inversion of control: because the function's dependency($_POST) is injected from outside, you have more control over the function. It is a bit unlikely but let's suppose your form has been updated and now you need to submit via GET method. Without modifying the function's body, passing in $_GET on the caller's side, is enough to reflect the change.

  3. Test fixture isolation: To mock FORM inputs to test a certain code path in the function, it is better access global states (such as $_POST) in an abstracted way, so that the test itself does not bring side effects to other part of the system.

Using GET and POST for a search function in PHP

If you want to have the same behavior for both $_GET and $_POST you can use the $_REQUEST superglobal.

If you want to know where your data is coming from, (wether it's a GET or POST request) you can simply check for the existence of the parameter on both arrays:

//We have a GET request
else if(isset($_POST['search'])
//We have a POST request
//Nothing found

POST and GET methods calling functions in the same file

try this code:
$form = $_REQUEST['form'];

$_REQUEST will fetch both POST and GET request variables.

Hope this helps.

Php Get and post function not working

add type <button name="submit" type="submit"></button>

Tip: Always specify the type attribute for a element. Different browsers use different default types for the element.

also remove name="submit"

Pass POST data into a PHP function

Change this:


To this:


And also add enctype="multipart/form-data" to the attributes of the HTML <form>.

The reason is that profil_slika will not be passed to the $_POST array. It will be in the $_FILES array, with key profil_slika. In other words, the key you need to use for the $_FILES array is the name of the HTML input, you don't need to use $_POST at all.

$_POST as a function parameter

$_POST is globally accessible. So you don't have to pass to your function:

if ($_POST['action'] == 'actionName') actionName(); 

function actionName() {
//code using $_POST

If you want your function to be able to do what it wants with any array (i.e. other than $_POST), then make the function take a parameter, but don't call it $_POST:

if ($_POST['action'] == 'actionName') actionName($_POST); 

function actionName(parameters) {
//code using parameters

Passing from values to a php function on post

Check the below example;

//send.php has the following code
$message_sent = isset($_POST['message']) ? $_POST['message'] : 'There is no message';
$t1 = isset($_POST['t1']) ? $_POST['t1'] : 'default something';
$t2 = isset($_POST['t2']) ? $_POST['t2'] : 'default something';

//create database connection

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT msisdn FROM customer WHERE time_paid BETWEEN '$t1' AND '$t2'";

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($result);

if($rowcount > 0){
$resultarr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); // fetch data
$mobilenumber = $resultarr['msisdn'];

// parameters goes in function...
sendbulk($mobilenumber, $message_sent);
echo 'Opppss!!! There is no result.';

function sendbulk($mobilenumber, $message_sent) {
global $conn;
echo "$message_sent";
echo '<br />';
echo "$mobilenumber";
$serviceArguments = array(
"mobilenumber" => $mobilenumber,
"message" => $message_sent

$client = new SoapClient("http://.......");

$result = $client->process($serviceArguments);

return $result;

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