PHP for ; Foreach Variable Scope

Explanation of PHP array foreach scope within function

You have two options.

  1. Add the global keyword

    function getCarsByMake($carMake){
    global $cars;
    foreach($cars as $car){
    if($car->make == $carMake){
    echo 'Car: ' . $car->make . ' ' . $car->model . "<br>";
  2. Use the $GLOBALS array:

    function getCarsByMake($carMake){
    foreach($GLOBALS["cars"] as $car){
    if($car->make == $carMake){
    echo 'Car: ' . $car->make . ' ' . $car->model . "<br>";

Although I'd still recommend passing it as an explicit parameter as that makes the code more readable and maintainable, IMHO.

PHP: variable scope in multiple foreach

foreach loops do not have their own scope.

The way this is expected to work is:

Set $i to 0
Enter the first foreach loop with `$i = 0`
Enter the second foreach loop with `$i = 0`

Set $i to 1
Enter the first foreach loop with `$i = 1`
Enter the second foreach loop with `$i = 1`


I'll bet a beer that the loops work as expected, but there is nothing to do for the inner loops when $i reaches 1.

Why can I access foreach variable outside of its scope?

The foreach loop is a block level, not a function level.

Variables declared in function are not available outside.

But, variables outside block are always available.

Their values should be the latest value from iteration.


PHP foreach variable scope issue

Simply use isset to check if variable $elem['comments'] exists:

foreach($arr as $key => $elem){
// Comments exists here
echo "<span>".$elem['comments']."</span>";
// Comments do not exists here, so don't echo anything

Or use array_key_exists to check if comments key is in array elem:

foreach($arr as $key => $elem){
if(array_key_exists('comments', $elem)) {
// Comments exists here
echo "<span>".$elem['comments']."</span>";
// Comments do not exists here, so don't echo anything

Take notice that:

isset() does not return TRUE for array keys that correspond to a NULL
value, while array_key_exists() does.

So in your use case I would recommend you to use isset as you discard existing comments keys with null values the same way as if comments keys do not exists.

how can i get foreach loop variable outside of loop

You have just to append your variable like this

$pages = get_pages();
$pagee = array();
foreach ($pages as $page) {
$pagee[] = $page->post_title;
echo implode(",",$pagee);

Variable scope in for-loop and while-loop

The $a on line 1 and the $a in the foreach() loop is one and the same object. And after the loop ends, $a has the value 3, which is echoed in the last statement.

According to

For the most part all PHP variables only have a single scope.

Only in a function does the variable scope is different.

This would produce your desired result '231':

$a = '1';
$c = array('2', '3');
function iterate($temp)
foreach($temp as $a)
echo $a ;
echo $a;

Because in the iterate() function, $a is independent of the $a of the calling code.

More info:

PHP same name in foreach as outer scope causes overwrite

The scope in PHP is at global or function level, there is no block scope, see

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