Laravel Input Facade VS Request Facade

Laravel Input Facade vs Request Facade

Yes both Facades are very similar. The reason for this is that the underlying class is the same (Illuminate\Http\Request). You can see this by looking at both Facade classes and their accessors:


protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'request';


protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'request';

As you realized, one difference is the Input::get() method. This is just "translated" to Request::input() directly in the Facade:

public static function get($key = null, $default = null)
return static::$app['request']->input($key, $default);


They are essentially the same. That means, there's no need to change your existing code. However if you wanted to it wouldn't make any difference.

When writing new code you should use Request facade, and maybe use Request::input(...) instead of Request::get(...) (because the former supports dot notation to access nested data, like $name = $request->input('');, but get is little faster to be fair).

Input is mentioned nowhere in the documentation for 5.0. It's not (officially) deprecated but the use of Request is encouraged.

What I also really like about Request is that the Facade actually has the name of the underlying class. This way it's clear what you're dealing with. However this can also be the root of errors. If you use something like Request::input('name') make sure to import the Facade with use Request; or use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request and not use Illuminate\Http\Request. The opposite applies for dependency injection.

Class 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input' not found

if you're using less version of Laravel 5.2

In config/app.php, replace:

'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::class,

Or You can import Input facade directly as required,

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;

In Laravel 5.2 Input:: is replaced with Request::



Add to the top of Controller or any other Class

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

In your case

$image_tmp = $request->image;
$fileName = time() . '.'.$image_tmp->clientExtension();

Laravel 6X
The Input facade, which was primarily a duplicate of the Request facade, has been removed. If you are using the Input::get method, you should now call the Request::input method. All other calls to the Input facade may simply be updated to use the Request facade.

You can directly use $request as well


Difference between Request (Facade) and Illuminate\Http\Request

Straigth answer: No (particular difference)
Except that: Referencing from this source, How laravel facades work and how to use

A Laravel facade is a class which provides a static-like interface to services inside the container. These facades, according to the documentation, serve as a proxy for accessing the underlying implementation of the container’s services.

I couldn't agree more with this. But as for me, using facade pattern simply make my code cleaner :)

Laravel 7.21 Class Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input not found

Based on the Laravel docs, since version 6.x Input has been removed.

The Input facade, which was primarily a duplicate of the Request
facade, has been removed. If you are using the Input::get method, you
should now call the Request::input method. All other calls to the
Input facade may simply be updated to use the Request facade.

Laravel Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;

class RegistrationController extends \BaseController {

public function __construct()

this controller is in global namespace. so you don't need to use use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input; you can directly call Input::get('foo');

<?php namespace Foo; //<---- check the namespace

use Input;

class RegistrationController extends \BaseController {

public function __construct()

here you can write either, use Input or \Input::get('foo') while calling.

How do I inject a request into a facade class in Laravel?

Looks like this worked out:

In the ParamsServiceProvider, instead of using App::bind to instantiate the Params class, do this instead:

public function register()
App::alias(Params::class, 'params');

then the request object will be injected properly into the facade.

Laravel 5 $request-input vs Input::get

There is no difference, the facade Input calls the input method from request. But Input::get is deprecated, prefer the $request->input instead of Input::get


namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;

* @see \Illuminate\Http\Request
class Input extends Facade
* Get an item from the input data.
* This method is used for all request verbs (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE)
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public static function get($key = null, $default = null)
return static::$app['request']->input($key, $default);

* Get the registered name of the component.
* @return string
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'request';

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