How to Add a Condition Inside a PHP Array

How can I add a condition inside a php array?

Unfortunately that's not possible at all.

If having the item but with a NULL value is ok, use this:

$anArray = array(
"theFirstItem" => "a first item",
"conditionalItem" => $condition ? "it may appear base on the condition" : NULL,
"theLastItem" => "the last item"

Otherwise you have to do it like that:

$anArray = array(
"theFirstItem" => "a first item",
"theLastItem" => "the last item"

if($condition) {
$anArray['conditionalItem'] = "it may appear base on the condition";

If the order matters, it'll be even uglier:

$anArray = array("theFirstItem" => "a first item");
if($condition) {
$anArray['conditionalItem'] = "it may appear base on the condition";
$anArray['theLastItem'] = "the last item";

You could make this a little bit more readable though:

$anArray = array();
$anArray['theFirstItem'] = "a first item";
if($condition) {
$anArray['conditionalItem'] = "it may appear base on the condition";
$anArray['theLastItem'] = "the last item";

How to add if condition in php multidimensional array

You can't put PHP control structures in the middle of defining an array like that. First create the array with the default values, then put the if-statement after and push new elements to the array, if needed.

Something like this:

$data = array(
"personalizations" => array(
"to" => array(
array("email" => $userEmail, "name" => $userName)
"from" => array("email" => $senderEmail, "name" => $senderName),
"subject" => $subject,
"content" => array(array("type" => "text/html", "value" => $body))

// Now add the condition
if(strpos($check, "SUCCESS") === false){
$data['personalizations'][0]["CC"] = array(
array("email" => $adminEmail,"name" => $adminEmail)

Multiple Condition inside php array

$arr = [[472 => ['EL' => 52.9, 'MT' => 57.375, 'MO' => 56.6, 'SC' => 26, 'ET' => 50.775]],
[505 => ['EL' => 53.425, 'MT' => 25, 'MO' => 62.8, 'SC' => 23, 'ET' => 26]]];
function pr($arr)
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

$total = array_reduce($arr, function ($arr, $key) {
$id = key($key);
$temp = $consumed = $key[$id];
$sc = array_keys($consumed);
$condition = false;
if (array_search('SC', $sc) && ($consumed['SC']) >= 23) {
$condition = true;

$condition = ($condition && min($temp) >= 26 ? true : false);
$arr[$id] = [
"totalc" => array_sum($consumed),
"condition" => $condition,
return $arr;


if min SC is 23 and min of all other is 26 then condition is true.


472 => SC = 26(>=23) and all other values are >= 26 so condition = true
505 => SC = 23(>=23) and now I will check other values. Now MT = 25 so condition = false

Lets take some sample demo examples,

$arr = [[472 => ['EL' => 52.9, 'MT' => 57.375, 'MO' => 56.6, 'SC' => 22, 'ET' => 50.775]],
[505 => ['EL' => 53.425, 'MT' => 26, 'MO' => 62.8, 'SC' => 23, 'ET' => 26]]];

472 => SC < 23 so condition = false regardless of other value.

505 => SC >= 23 so condition = true at first, now we will check for all other values. As we saw all other are greater than 26, so condition =true.

Working demo

Conditionally add to an array

You are overwriting $connected with an empty array each time your foreach loop iterates. Move the assignment of $connected to before your foreach loop.

$key1 = '0';
$connected = array();
foreach ($dataNewAndUnlock1 as $key => $val) {

Also, to append to an array, you don't need to maintain your own index, you can just use this syntax:

$connected[] = $val;

PHP add element to array only when condition is true

Let's introduce a temporary array:

'NmbItem' => $item['name'],
'QtyItem' => (int)$item['quantity'],
'PrcItem' => $item['price']

if ($cond){
$tempArray['IndExe'] = 1;

$ab['Detalle'][] = $tempArray;

If statement inside array?

You can use ternary conditions, which is a shortcut for an if statement. Here is an example of how ternary conditions works :

A regular if would be written like this :

if( "mycondition" == 1 )
$boolean = true;
else {
$boolean = false;

The equivalent of this statement with ternary condition would be written like below :

$boolean = ( "mycondition" == 1 ) ? true : false;

You might want to use this shortcut to instanciate your array like following :

$sales_payload = [
// ...
'custom_fields' => ( strpos($_POST['billing_myfield13'], 'ja') !== false ) ? [['actief_duitsland' => 1]] : [['actief_duitsland' => '???']],
// ...


You should also define a else value for this statement.

display the array which meets only this condition in php

We would loop over each subarray and count how many norm_value has 0.0. If the count matches the size or size-1, then we unset that index.

$epsilon = 0.00001;

foreach($arr as $index => $subarray){
$count = 0;
foreach($subarray as $norm_data){
if(abs($norm_data['norm_value'] - 0.0) < $epsilon) $count++;

if($count === count($subarray) || $count == count($subarray)-1){



Conditionally add associative element to array

$a = array('a' => 'abc') + ($condition ? array('b' => 'xyz') : array());

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