PHP - Add Link to a Url in a String

PHP - Add link to a URL in a string

function processString($s) {
return preg_replace('/https?:\/\/[\w\-\.!~#?&=+\*\'"(),\/]+/','<a href="$0">$0</a>',$s);

PHP - Add link to a URL in a string if not present

Well, I just modified your lookbehind path to (?<!href="|">) to avoid the link inside the tags...

So use :

function processString($s){  
return preg_replace('@(?<!href="|">)(https?:\/\/[\w\-\.!~?&=+\*\'(),\/]+)((?!\<\/\a\>).)*@i','<a href="$1">$1</a>',$s);

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How do I linkify urls in a string with php?

You can use the following:

$string = "Look on";
$string = preg_replace(
"<a href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>",

PHP versions < 5.3 (ereg_replace) otherwise (preg_replace)

How to put a hyperlink inside a text in php

You use seemingly Wordpress so this is not a php function but a Wordpress function _e ();

Here is a link and you can see how to do it with Wordpress:

But if you want to do that only with php, then an echo with your link in the text as well as in HTML will suffice:

<?php echo 'This is a link <a href="">click here</a> for more.';

But you can also write a function yourself that works like Wordpress:

Use the simple form or break out the markup

<?php echo __( 'Please read <a href="">this</a>', 'example-domain' );

or, but all not good by translation

<?php _e( 'This is a link <a href="">click here</a> for more', 'example-domain' );

break out the html, try this one and you can more shorten this but for understand

$anchor = esc_html_x( 'Google', 'link text for', 'txt-domain' );
$domain = esc_url( __( '', 'txt-domain' ) );
$link = sprintf( '<a href="https://%s">%s</a>', $domain, $anchor );

/* translators: 1 is a link with text "Google" and URL */
echo sprintf( esc_html__( 'Use %1$s to search.', 'example-domain' ), $link );

The web is full of stuff:

How to add hyperlink to a word which is a part of a string in PHP?

You have your string in single quotes. When you single quote your string, you are telling PHP to display the string as-is. Thus, the $link variable will not be interpreted.

An alternative to MuthaFury's solution is to change your single quotes to double quotes to tell php that you do want the $link variable interpreted.

echo "Hi all welcome to the google page <a href=\"$link\">Google Page</a>";

Modify links in a string with PHP

I think a more comfortable solution could be using str_replace (

do something like this:

$string = str_replace(
['', ''],

PHP Regex - How to append to a URL (in a string variable with a lot of text) where there is an a href

You should use a parser, not a regex for this.

$html = 'This is my <a href="">Website</a>.';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$links = $dom->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach($links as $link) {
$link->setAttribute('href', $link->getAttribute('href') . '?utm=foo_foo_foo');
echo $dom->saveHTML();


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html><body><p>This is my <a href="">Website</a>.</p></body></html>

If you had to use a regex you could do

$html = 'This is my <a href="">Website</a>.';
echo preg_replace('~href=("|\')(.+?)\1~', 'href=$1$2?utm=foo_foo_foo$1', $html);


This is my <a href="">Website</a>.

Both these approaches presume you never have a ? in the URL already..

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