PHP 5.4 VS 5.3 App Errors

App works in php 5.3 but not 5.4+

Your code is failing as since PHP 5.4, PHP has had its own hex2bin function.
To resolve this you need to remove the hex2bin function that you are using.

You might want to do a simple version check in an if statement before the function is declared using phpversion():

if (!function_exists('hex2bin')) 
function hex2bin($hex) {
if (strlen($hex) % 2)
$hex = "0".$hex;
$bin = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($hex); $i += 2) {
$bin .= chr(hexdec(substr($hex, $i, 2)));

return $bin;

From Github:

Since PHP 5.4 PHP provides its own hex2bin function, which causes the
hex2bin declaration in ykksm-util.php to fail, causing the error

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare hex2bin()

Cheers to Ryan P for useful comment:

This code won't work - it calls phpinfo() with an invalid argument, and
calling phpversion("tidy") will return the version of the tidy
extension (2.0). A better way is to just check for existence of the
function - i.e. if (!function_exists('hex2bin')) {

Code not working when migrating from php v5.5 to php v5.3

Problem is in calling of that function. The following changes worked for me-

The following line modified -

$post_categories = sql_select_many("sql statement ", $connection)["rows"];

I removed ["rows"] from end of the line.

New statements are-

$post_categories = sql_select_many("sql statement ", $connection);
$data = $post_categories["rows"];

Php square brackets syntax error

The first is because the new [] syntax for instantiating arrays only works in 5.4 and above. So, replace it with array():

// 5.4+ only:
array($userName => ['score' => $score]);
// 5.3 (and earlier) and 5.4+
array($userName => array('score' => $score));

The second is a different 5.4 feature, that of accessing arrays returned from functions, where you should use a temporary variable:

// 5.4+ only:
// 5.3 (and earlier) and 5.4+:
$result = $this->Auth->user()

Or, for preference, upgrade your production server to a PHP version that's a bit more modern than the four-or-five year old version you're using. To save on more of these headaches, you either need to do that or start developing locally in 5.3. (If you need to do the latter, I'd look into virtualising your development setup, so you could develop in a virtual box against 5.3 for older production systems.)

Dreamweaver CS5 code hinting and syntax errors with PHP 5.4

The short answer is you can't extend code syntax for CS5. Adobe doesn't support older versions of Dreamweaver and there will not be a patch for it. They want you to upgrade to the latest (subscription-based) version instead.

Issues with running Code Igniter on a 5.3 php host

Yes, They are language constructs, Code igniter has no way to add them internally.

Your code needs to be 5.3 compatible if you wish to run in a 5.3 environment

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