Mysqli Not Found Error

How to solve Fatal error: Class 'MySQLi' not found?

Sounds like you just need to install MySQLi.

If you think you've done that and still have a problem, please post your operating system and anything else that might help diagnose it further.

MySQLi not found error

I got the error corrected by enabling/editing the following config in php.ini:

1st (uncomment and add config):

include_path = "C:\php\includes"

2nd (uncomment):

extension_dir = "ext"

3rd (uncomment and edit config):


Class 'mysqli' not found PHP v5.6.7

scrowler and Michael Bush pointed out the answer in comments above. I thought I'd create an answer for it for the benefit of someone viewing the thread. Thanks, scrowler and Michael Bush.

The php.ini-development and php.ini-production files are templates. In order to have effect, one of them needs to be copied and renamed php.ini.

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