Mssql Query Issue in PHP and Querying Text Data

MSSQL Query issue in PHP and querying text data

Couple of options from the comments on the mssql_query() manual page

  • SELECT CAST(field1 AS TEXT) AS field1 FROM table
  • Chang the version in /etc/freetds.conf from 4.2 to 8.0 (if the PHP server is *nix)
  • Avoid SELECT * queries

Plenty more if you search ntext on that page.

SQL Server Query not working when executed from PHP


Changed database context to XXXXXXX

Changed language setting to YYYYYYY

are not error messages. They are informational messages and should be ignored by applications. PHP can be configured to ignore it.

Severity Levels:

PHP Settings:

1) php.ini changes:

mssql.min_error_severity = 11
mssql.min_message_severity = 11


2) by executing


just before execution of mssql_query()


3) The trigger should have

set nocount on;

at the top of code, just after:


This will prevent sending multiple informational messages (like "xx rows affected") to the application.

SQL Server fetch data php

You have a syntax error in the generated T-SQL Statment - missing spaces before FROM and WHERE. The generated statement is SELECT form_adres, form_sehir, form_adsoyadFROM databasename.omg_user.ie_formWHERE form_no='15275'. Fix the statement and always check the result from mssql_query() execution:


// declare the SQL statement that will query the database
$query = " SELECT form_adres, form_sehir, form_adsoyad";
$query .= " FROM databasename.omg_user.ie_form";
$query .= " WHERE form_no='15275'";

// execute the SQL query and return records
$result = mssql_query($query, $dbhandle);
if ($result === false) {
echo "Error (mssql_query): ".mssql_get_last_message();


Text data getting cut off when returned from DB

If you are counting characters in Management Studio, try:

SELECT LEN(Content), DATALENGTH(Content) FROM dbo.myTable;

Does that still show 4096? I bet not.

I don't think you want to cast as TEXT. I assume you are using NTEXT because you may have Unicode characters. Converting to TEXT will eliminate any double-byte characters and actually change your data. Perhaps you could try this from your application:


And don't rely on Management Studio's output to be a testament to what's actually in the database. It is truncated by default, and limited to a fixed maximum even if you change the defaults (different character counts depending on results to text or results to grid). If you want to know how much data is in a column, ask SQL Server (like I did above), not Management Studio.

Why is my SQL Server query failing?

Check that you're querying the right database or schema.

software.software_dbo.ApplicationInfo means:

  • a database named software
  • a schema named software_dbo - likely this is the problem. Likely is dbo on your SQL Server.
  • a view/table named ApplicationInfo

Perhaps check what the value of DBO, amongst the other arguments, is in this statement: $connect = mssql_connect(DBSERVER, DBO, DBPW)

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