Lsa - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to Code It in PHP

LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP?

LSA links:

  • Landauer (co-creator) article on LSA
  • the R-project lsa user guide

Here is the complete algorithm. If you have SVD, you are most of the way there. The papers above explain it better than I do.


  • your SVD function will give the singular values and singular vectors in descending order. If not, you have to do more acrobatics.

M: corpus matrix, w (words) by d (documents) (w rows, d columns). These can be raw counts, or tfidf or whatever. Stopwords may or may not be eliminated, and stemming may happen (Landauer says keep stopwords and don't stem, but yes to tfidf).

U,Sigma,V = singular_value_decomposition(M)

U: w x w
Sigma: min(w,d) length vector, or w * d matrix with diagonal filled in the first min(w,d) spots with the singular values
V: d x d matrix

Thus U * Sigma * V = M
# you might have to do some transposes depending on how your SVD code
# returns U and V. verify this so that you don't go crazy :)

Then the reductionality.... the actual LSA paper suggests a good approximation for the basis is to keep enough vectors such that their singular values are more than 50% of the total of the singular values.

More succintly... (pseudocode)

Let s1 = sum(Sigma).  
total = 0
for ii in range(len(Sigma)):
val = Sigma[ii]
total += val
if total > .5 * s1:
return ii

This will return the rank of the new basis, which was min(d,w) before, and we'll now approximate with {ii}.

(here, ' -> prime, not transpose)

We create new matrices: U',Sigma', V', with sizes w x ii, ii x ii, and ii x d.

That's the essence of the LSA algorithm.

This resultant matrix U' * Sigma' * V' can be used for 'improved' cosine similarity searching, or you can pick the top 3 words for each document in it, for example. Whether this yeilds more than a simple tf-idf is a matter of some debate.

To me, LSA performs poorly in real world data sets because of polysemy, and data sets with too many topics. It's mathematical / probabilistic basis is unsound (it assumes normal-ish (Gaussian) distributions, which don't makes sense for word counts).

Your mileage will definitely vary.

Tagging using LSA (one method!)

  1. Construct the U' Sigma' V' dimensionally reduced matrices using SVD and a reduction heuristic

  2. By hand, look over the U' matrix, and come up with terms that describe each "topic". For example, if the the biggest parts of that vector were "Bronx, Yankees, Manhattan," then "New York City" might be a good term for it. Keep these in a associative array, or list. This step should be reasonable since the number of vectors will be finite.

  3. Assuming you have a vector (v1) of words for a document, then v1 * t(U') will give the strongest 'topics' for that document. Select the 3 highest, then give their "topics" as computed in the previous step.

Probabilistic latent semantic analysis/Indexing - Introduction

There is a good talk by Thomas Hofmann that explains both LSA and its connections to Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA). The talk has some math, but is much easier to follow than the PLSA paper (or even its Wikipedia page).

PLSA can be used to get some similarity measure between sentences, as two sentences can be viewed as short documents drawn from a probability distribution over latent classes. Your similarity will heavily depend on your training set though. The documents you use to training the latent class model should reflect the types of documents you want to compare. Generating a PLSA model with two sentences won't create meaningful latent classes. Similarly, training with a corpus of very similar contexts may create latent classes that are overly sensitive to slight changes on the documents. Moreover, because sentences contain relative few tokens (as compared to documents), I don't believe you'll get high quality similarity results from PLSA at the sentence level.

PLSA does not handle polysemy. However, if you are concerned with polysemy, you might try running a Word Sense Disambiguation tool over your input text to tag each word with its correct sense. Running PLSA (or LDA) over this tagged corpus will remove the effects of polysemy in the resulting document representations.

As Sharmila noted, Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is considered the state of the art for document comparison, and is superior to PLSA, which tends to overfit the training data. In addition, there are many more tools to support LDA and analyze whether the results you get with LDA are meaningful. (If you're feeling adventurous, you can read David Mimno's two papers from EMNLP 2011 on how to assess the quality of the latent topics you get from LDA.)

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in PHP

Is a very clear, parsimonious implementation of the SVD.
It's practically psuedocode and should be fairly easy to understand
and compare/draw on for your php implementation, even if you don't know much python.


That said, as others have mentioned I wouldn't expect to be able to do very heavy-duty LSA with php implementation what sounds like a pretty limited web-host.


The module above doesn't do anything all by itself, but there is an example included in the
opening comments. Assuming you downloaded the python module, and it was accessible (e.g. in the same folder), you
could implement a trivial example as follow,

import svd
import math

a = [[22.,10., 2., 3., 7.],
[14., 7.,10., 0., 8.],
[-1.,13.,-1.,-11., 3.],
[-3.,-2.,13., -2., 4.],
[ 9., 8., 1., -2., 4.],
[ 9., 1.,-7., 5.,-1.],
[ 2.,-6., 6., 5., 1.],
[ 4., 5., 0., -2., 2.]]

u,w,vt = svd.svd(a)
print w

Here 'w' contains your list of singular values.

Of course this only gets you part of the way to latent semantic analysis and its relatives.
You usually want to reduce the number of singular values, then employ some appropriate distance
metric to measure the similarity between your documents, or words, or documents and words, etc.
The cosine of the angle between your resultant vectors is pretty popular.

Latent Semantic Mapping (pdf)

is by far the clearest, most concise and informative paper I've read on the remaining steps you
need to work out following the SVD.

Edit2: also note that if you're working with very large term-document matrices (I'm assuming this
is what you are doing) it is almost certainly going to be far more efficient to perform the decomposition
in an offline mode, and then perform only the comparisons in a live fashion in response to requests.
while svd-python is great for learning, the svdlibc is more what you would want for such heavy

finally as mentioned in the bellegarda paper above, remember that you don't have to recompute the
svd every single time you get a new document or request. depending on what you are trying to do you could
probably get away with performing the svd once every week or so, in an offline mode, a local machine,
and then uploading the results (size/bandwidth concerns notwithstanding).

anyway good luck!

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