Laravel Error: Method Illuminate\View\View::_Tostring() Must Not Throw an Exception

Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception in Laravel

You are trying to convert a View to a string in your view. Which is not in the code provided.

That view is causing an exception.

Missing code from view:

{!! View::make('', compact('feed')) !!}

You should not be doing this from a view. There is @include and @each for including partials like this.

If you don't want to fix that you can try to add ->render() to that call to avoid the __toString() that is happening. That will allow the exception to bubble like normal. Then you will have to figure out what is causing that exception.

Laravel Error: Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception

Situation 1:
Trying to print out a value in an array.

Answer 1:
Try printing out the array. Are you sure it's an array? I've gotten this error when it was an object instead of an array. Try doing a print_r and seeing what you get.

Situation 2:
You have this associated array like this:

[post_id] => 65
[post_text] => Multiple Images!
[created_at] => 2014-10-23 09:16:46
[updated_on] =>
[post_category] => stdClass Object
[category_label] => Help Wanted
[category_code] => help_wanted

[employee_full_name] => Sam Jones
[employee_pic] => /images/employee-image-placeholder.png
[employee_email] =>
[post_images] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[image_path] => 9452photo_2.JPG

[1] => stdClass Object
[image_path] => 8031photo_3.JPG



When you try to access post_images array directly within a View, it throws an error. No. Matter. What. You. Do.

Answer 2:
Check in all the places where you are calling the View. What happened here is that I was trying to access the same view somewhere else in an area where I wasn't giving the post_images array. Took FOREVER to figure out.

I hope this helps someone else. :) I just know the error I kept getting didn't help me anywhere.

laravel Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception

You might want to check this out.
Laravel Error: Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception

There is a very simple solution: don't cast View object to a string.

Don't: echo View::make('..'); or echo view('..');

Do: echo View::make('..')->render(); or echo view('..')->render();

By casting view, it uses __toString() method automatically, which cannot throw an exception. If you call render() manually, exceptions are handled normally.

This actually is a PHP limitation, not Laravels. Read more about this "feature" here:

-----------AND THIS---------------

Situation 1: Trying to print out a value in an array.

Answer 1: Try printing out the array. Are you sure it's an array? I've gotten this error when it was an object instead of an array. Try doing a print_r and seeing what you get.

Situation 2: You have this associated array like this:

Laravel Error : Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception

Laravel renders its views by casting an Illuminate\View\View object as a string. If an object is cast as a string and has a __toString method set, PHP will call the __toString method and use that value from that as the cast value.

For example, this program

class Foo
public function __toString()
return 'I am a foo object';
$o = new Foo;
echo (string) $o;

will output

I am a foo object.

There's a big caveat to this behavior -- due to a PHP implmentation detail, you can't throw an exception in __toString.

So, it looks like the problem you're having is something in your view does throw an exception. Based on the information you've provided, the error could be anything. The way I'd debug this further is to try running the PHP code in your view

echo View::make('layouts/blocks/header')->with('sidebar', $sidebar)->with('active', $active);
echo $content;
echo View::make('layouts/blocks/footer');

outside of a view (a route, a controller action, etc), making sure $sidebar, $content, etc have the same values. This should still throw an exception, but because it's outside of __toString PHP will give you more information on why it threw an exception. With a real error message you'll be able to address the actual problem.

Laravel include causes error: Method Illuminate\View\View::__toString() must not throw an exception

You might want to do it like this:

// --- this part of the code is odd
$html = View::make('users.openprojects', $data)->render();
return Response::json(array('html' => $html));
// ---
} else {
$user = User::with(array('tasks', 'tasks.status'))->find(Auth::user()->id);

$data = array(
'user' => $user,
'projects' => $projects

return View::make('users.profile', $data);

Method Illuminate\\View\\View::__toString() must not throw an exception in unix

You should never die() out an input. Laravel expects to handle the response, and you are short circuiting the framework by using die().

Your response should simply be

return View::make('amendments.changesPopUp', $this->data);

That will then only print the changesPopUp file - which will be correctly interrepted by the browser for the AJAX call.

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