"Keep Me Logged In" - the Best Approach

Keep Me Logged In - the best approach

OK, let me put this bluntly: if you're putting user data, or anything derived from user data into a cookie for this purpose, you're doing something wrong.

There. I said it. Now we can move on to the actual answer.

What's wrong with hashing user data, you ask? Well, it comes down to exposure surface and security through obscurity.

Imagine for a second that you're an attacker. You see a cryptographic cookie set for the remember-me on your session. It's 32 characters wide. Gee. That may be an MD5...

Let's also imagine for a second that they know the algorithm that you used. For example:


Now, all an attacker needs to do is brute force the "salt" (which isn't really a salt, but more on that later), and he can now generate all the fake tokens he wants with any username for his IP address! But brute-forcing a salt is hard, right? Absolutely. But modern day GPUs are exceedingly good at it. And unless you use sufficient randomness in it (make it large enough), it's going to fall quickly, and with it the keys to your castle.

In short, the only thing protecting you is the salt, which isn't really protecting you as much as you think.

But Wait!

All of that was predicated that the attacker knows the algorithm! If it's secret and confusing, then you're safe, right? WRONG. That line of thinking has a name: Security Through Obscurity, which should NEVER be relied upon.

The Better Way

The better way is to never let a user's information leave the server, except for the id.

When the user logs in, generate a large (128 to 256 bit) random token. Add that to a database table which maps the token to the userid, and then send it to the client in the cookie.

What if the attacker guesses the random token of another user?

Well, let's do some math here. We're generating a 128 bit random token. That means that there are:

possibilities = 2^128
possibilities = 3.4 * 10^38

Now, to show how absurdly large that number is, let's imagine every server on the internet (let's say 50,000,000 today) trying to brute-force that number at a rate of 1,000,000,000 per second each. In reality your servers would melt under such load, but let's play this out.

guesses_per_second = servers * guesses
guesses_per_second = 50,000,000 * 1,000,000,000
guesses_per_second = 50,000,000,000,000,000

So 50 quadrillion guesses per second. That's fast! Right?

time_to_guess = possibilities / guesses_per_second
time_to_guess = 3.4e38 / 50,000,000,000,000,000
time_to_guess = 6,800,000,000,000,000,000,000

So 6.8 sextillion seconds...

Let's try to bring that down to more friendly numbers.

215,626,585,489,599 years

Or even better:

47917 times the age of the universe

Yes, that's 47917 times the age of the universe...

Basically, it's not going to be cracked.

So to sum up:

The better approach that I recommend is to store the cookie with three parts.

function onLogin($user) {
$token = GenerateRandomToken(); // generate a token, should be 128 - 256 bit
storeTokenForUser($user, $token);
$cookie = $user . ':' . $token;
$mac = hash_hmac('sha256', $cookie, SECRET_KEY);
$cookie .= ':' . $mac;
setcookie('rememberme', $cookie);

Then, to validate:

function rememberMe() {
$cookie = isset($_COOKIE['rememberme']) ? $_COOKIE['rememberme'] : '';
if ($cookie) {
list ($user, $token, $mac) = explode(':', $cookie);
if (!hash_equals(hash_hmac('sha256', $user . ':' . $token, SECRET_KEY), $mac)) {
return false;
$usertoken = fetchTokenByUserName($user);
if (hash_equals($usertoken, $token)) {

Note: Do not use the token or combination of user and token to lookup a record in your database. Always be sure to fetch a record based on the user and use a timing-safe comparison function to compare the fetched token afterwards. More about timing attacks.

Now, it's very important that the SECRET_KEY be a cryptographic secret (generated by something like /dev/urandom and/or derived from a high-entropy input). Also, GenerateRandomToken() needs to be a strong random source (mt_rand() is not nearly strong enough. Use a library, such as RandomLib or random_compat, or mcrypt_create_iv() with DEV_URANDOM)...

The hash_equals() is to prevent timing attacks.
If you use a PHP version below PHP 5.6 the function hash_equals() is not supported. In this case you can replace hash_equals() with the timingSafeCompare function:

* A timing safe equals comparison
* To prevent leaking length information, it is important
* that user input is always used as the second parameter.
* @param string $safe The internal (safe) value to be checked
* @param string $user The user submitted (unsafe) value
* @return boolean True if the two strings are identical.
function timingSafeCompare($safe, $user) {
if (function_exists('hash_equals')) {
return hash_equals($safe, $user); // PHP 5.6
// Prevent issues if string length is 0
$safe .= chr(0);
$user .= chr(0);

// mbstring.func_overload can make strlen() return invalid numbers
// when operating on raw binary strings; force an 8bit charset here:
if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
$safeLen = mb_strlen($safe, '8bit');
$userLen = mb_strlen($user, '8bit');
} else {
$safeLen = strlen($safe);
$userLen = strlen($user);

// Set the result to the difference between the lengths
$result = $safeLen - $userLen;

// Note that we ALWAYS iterate over the user-supplied length
// This is to prevent leaking length information
for ($i = 0; $i < $userLen; $i++) {
// Using % here is a trick to prevent notices
// It's safe, since if the lengths are different
// $result is already non-0
$result |= (ord($safe[$i % $safeLen]) ^ ord($user[$i]));

// They are only identical strings if $result is exactly 0...
return $result === 0;

Best method to keep user logged in?

Sessions will do in a pinch, and they are secure enough (although don't quote me on that), but depending on server usage and configuration, your sessions may be cleared before the 12-hour mark.

Upon login, I initiate a session and save a cookie to their computer. This cookie contains a uniquely generated string and their account id.

When they refresh the page, the following is run (pseudocode):

if (session_exists) continue();
else if (!session_exists AND cookie_exists AND validate_cookie()) {
else show_login_page();

How to keep user logged in when he returns back with same device?

You can find the answer you are looking for here:)

"Keep Me Logged In" - the best approach

It is important to use an hashed cookie.

On the client side you should use a cookie that represnting the "id" of the "hashed" cookie,

When the next time the user comes back to the web app -> you will check his cookie("id") with the hashed cookie you saved on the server and check for a match(done on server side).

Note: the hashed function is done on your server.

One more thing: never let that cookie(hashed) leaves the server.

PHP how to keep user logged until they log out?

You can use a cookie for this. When the user logging in for the first time, set a cookie for maybe 10 years. Then, when the user navigates the pages, update/reset the cookie to a further 10 years.

time() + (10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60)

Setting a Cookie in PHP

And when the user comes back to the site after some time, check if the cookie is available. If available, you can log them in automatically, if not, redirect to the login page.

$cookie = $_COOKIE['CookieName'];
// No Cookie found - Redirect to Login

You can use two cookies for user name and password(encrypted).

The dreaded 'keep me logged in' and session checking

You cannot hijack the contents of a session. If you're the man in the middle, then you can act as the user by using the same session ID. This problem however is still valid for any kind of session.

If you want to prevent the man in the middle attack, you should use HTTPS.

Using HTTPS guarantees that:

  • your sessions are not fake, because there is practically no way an attacker can steal someone's session ID and use it as their own
  • your cookies are not fake, for the same reason
  • your log in method is secure, because everything is sent and received encrypted, which would make it practically impossible for an attacker to either see, modify or intercept the data sent and received from the server

The main disadvantages of HTTPS are:

  • you will need to purchase a certificate
  • encryption will add some overhead, both in network traffic and in resource usage
  • data sent via HTTPS will not be cached

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