Json_Encode Is Returning Null

json_encode is returning NULL?

I bet you are retrieving data in non-utf8 encoding: try to put mysql_query('SET CHARACTER SET utf8') before your SELECT query.

php json_encode returning null

From the manual:

Note that if you try to encode an
array containing non-utf values,
you'll get null values in the
resulting JSON string. You can
batch-encode all the elements of an
array with the array_map function:

$encodedArray = array_map(utf8_encode, $myArr);
echo json_encode($encodedArray);

PHP json_encode is returning null

There are two problems, as far as I can see:

Issue A: Broken JSON in database

Output 1:
{ “status” : 3, “game” : 0, “ships” : { "1" : { ... etc

Those characters “” are not legal in JSON... so you won't be able to parse the data you have within your database as JSON. You will have to replace them with legitimate " characters. Where did the JSON come from?

Issue B: Mixed string & structure

You're mixing JSON-as-a-string (coming from the database) and an array data-structure in PHP (the array of rows from the database) that you wish to represent as JSON.

So to fix that should be doing something like:


// Convert an array of JSON-Strings to unified array of structured data..

foreach ( $FleetRaw as $key => $sJSONString ){
$FleetRaw[$key] = json_decode($sJSONString);

// Now return the whole lot as a json-string to the client

header("Content-type: application/json"); // My assumption of your model..
print json_encode($FleetRaw);


What this should output is an array of objects:

[{ "status" : 3, "game" : 0, "etc" : "..." },{ "status" : 99, "game" : 123, "etc" : "..." },{ "status" : 345, "game" : 456, "etc" : "..." },{ .. }]

Note on your 'nulls' & UTF8 (Output 3)

I would imagine your nulls are caused by PHP failing to even encode the JSON-strings as strings because they contain UTF8 characters -- which is why the Output 3 shows nulls. But those encoding issues may just be those dodgy “” you have in your database.

If you fix issue A you may find you fix Output 3 too. Though this doesn't preclude you from having to address issue B. Output 3 would become an array of your JSON-strings (represented as strings that just happen to look like JSON). Issue B will then sort you out.

Incidentally: http://php.net/manual/en/function.json-last-error.php should help you narrow down any remaining issues with your source JSON if the above doesn't.

Hope this helps! J.

php json_encode() show's null instead of text

json_encode expects strings in the data to be encoded as UTF-8.

Convert them to UTF-8 if they aren't already:

$results = array_map(function($r) {
$r['text'] = utf8_encode($r['text']);
return $r;
}, $results);
echo json_encode($results);

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