Get the First Element of an Array

Get the first element of an array

Original answer, but costly (O(n)):


In O(1):


Other use cases, etc...

If modifying (in the sense of resetting array pointers) of $array is not a problem, you might use:


This should be theoretically more efficient, if a array "copy" is needed:

array_shift(array_slice($array, 0, 1));

With PHP 5.4+ (but might cause an index error if empty):


How to get the first element of an array?

like this


Get the first element of System.array?

IndexOf is for finding the index of the first element in the array that matches the value you passed. I think you're after [0].

String windowClass = BFS.Window.GetClass(myArray[0]);

Please note that if the array is empty this will throw an exception.

You could also use .First() or FirstOrDefault() from System.Linq, but [0] is made for what you need.

How to get the first element of a array?

I'm not familiar with pm2, but if the array is JSON-compatible (which it looks like it is), you can use jq, for example:

$ echo '[2]' | jq '.[0]'
$ echo '[3, 2]' | jq '.[0]'

Here's a related question with some other methods: get the first (or n'th) element in a jq json parsing

Get index from 2d array where first element is the index

One approach is to use next on a generator expression

lst = [[0, {'dt_name': 'Go'}], [1, {'dt_name': 'Stop'}]]
res = next(i for (i, t) in lst if t['dt_name'] == 'Go')



This approach avoids building any additional list.

Some timings on list vs generator:

lst = [[0, {'dt_name': 'Go'}], [1, {'dt_name': 'Stop'}]] * 100
%timeit next(i for (i, t) in lst if t['dt_name'] == 'Go')
452 ns ± 2.18 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
%timeit [i for (i, t) in lst if t['dt_name'] == 'Go'][0]
12.1 µs ± 36.1 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100000 loops each)

In the above example using next on the generator is about 24 times faster.

Why does the first element outside of a defined array default to zero?

I'm a bit confused as to why that last element outside of the array
always "defaults" to zero.

In this declaration

int x[] = {120, 200, 16};

the array x has exactly three elements. So accessing memory outside the bounds of the array invokes undefined behavior.

That is, this loop

 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cout << x[i] << " ";

invokes undefined behavior. The memory after the last element of the array can contain anything.

On the other hand, if the array were declared as

int x[4] = {120, 200, 16};

that is, with four elements, then the last element of the array that does not have an explicit initializer will be indeed initialized to zero.

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