Is There Any Legitimate Use for Bare Strings in PHP

Is there any legitimate use for bare strings in PHP?

Nope, I can not see a single instance where it would make sense, and it always is dangerous. Using strings without quotes should absolutely be reserved to address constants. I don't understand how the inventors of PHP could decide to introduce this ridiculous behaviour at all - it makes the proper use of constants almost impossible (because if you try to access a constant that has not been defined, PHP will silently and stupidly generate a string) without giving any benefit.

Is there a better way to write HTML strings in PHP?

PHP knows several kinds of syntax to declare a string:

  • single quoted

    ' … '
  • double quoted

    " … "
  • heredoc syntax


  • nowdoc syntax (since PHP 5.3.0)



So you don’t have to use the double quotes per se.

Is it okay to use array[key] in PHP?

It is not considered as OK -- even if it will work in most cases.

Basically, when PHP sees this :

echo $array[key];

It will search for a constant, defined with define, called key -- and, if there is none, if will take the 'key' value.

But, if there is something like this earlier in your code :

define('key', 'glop');

It will not take

echo $array['key'];

anymore ; instead, it'll use the value of the key constant -- and your code will be the same as :

echo $array['glop'];

In the end, not putting quotes arround the key's name is bad for at least two reasons :

  • There is a risk that it will not do what you expect -- which is very bad

    • It might, today...
    • But what about next week / month / year ?
    • Maybe, one day, you'll define a constant with the wrong name ;-)
  • It's not good for performance :

    • it has to search for a constant, before using 'key'
    • And, as said in a comment, it generates notices (even if you disable error_reporting and display_errors, the notices/warnings/errors are still generated, even if discarded later)

So : you should not listen to that guy on this point : he is wrong : it does matter.

And if you need some "proof" that's "better" than what people can tell you on stackoverflow, you can point him to this section of the manual, as a reference : Why is $foo[bar] wrong?

How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

Now with PHP 8 you can do this using str_contains:

if (str_contains('How are you', 'are')) { 
echo 'true';


Before PHP 8

You can use the strpos() function which is used to find the occurrence of one string inside another one:

$haystack = 'How are you?';
$needle = 'are';

if (strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false) {
echo 'true';

Note that the use of !== false is deliberate (neither != false nor === true will return the desired result); strpos() returns either the offset at which the needle string begins in the haystack string, or the boolean false if the needle isn't found. Since 0 is a valid offset and 0 is "falsey", we can't use simpler constructs like !strpos($a, 'are').

mysqli_real_escape_string, should I use it?

You should use prepared statements and pass string data as a parameter but you should not escape it.

This example is taken from the documentation:

/* create a prepared statement */
if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT District FROM City WHERE Name=?")) {

/* bind parameters for markers */
$stmt->bind_param("s", $city);

/* execute query */

/* bind result variables */

/* fetch value */

printf("%s is in district %s\n", $city, $district);

/* close statement */

Note that the example does not call mysqli_real_escape_string. You would only need to use mysqli_real_escape_string if you were embedding the string directly in the query, but I would advise you to never do this. Always use parameters whenever possible.


  • How can I prevent SQL injection in PHP?

PHP Array key strings without quotation marks

How can you overcome the E_NOTICEs that complain that you forgot quotes around your strings?

Add quotes around your strings.


Also it sounds like the error_reporting level on your local server is not sufficient. It should be high, so that you see these sorts of mistakes as you develop your website/application.

On your production server it may be set lower.

How can I change my php server settings so that writing $x[y] == $x['y']?

Unclear what you mean...




is nothing to do with server settings

It's all about not having erroneous code.


is looking to find a constant called y and if that constant doesn't exist, it warns you and tries again assuming that you mistyped and that y is a string with a value 'y' (the equivalent of)


Fix your code and use 'y' so that PHP doesn't have to guess what you mean, or issue warnings to tell you that you've done something wrong

PHP string functions: which ones will work with UTF-8?

Core PHP SBCS string functions

Assuming the default encoding of PHP is set to UTF-8, these string functions will work:

  • echo Output one or more strings
  • html_entity_decode Convert all HTML entities to their applicable characters
  • htmlentities Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities | better use
  • htmlspecialchars_decode Convert special HTML entities back to characters
  • htmlspecialchars Convert special characters to HTML entities
  • implode Join array elements with a string
  • join Alias of implode
  • nl2br Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string
  • print Output a string
  • quotemeta Quote meta characters
  • str_repeat Repeat a string
  • str_rot13 Perform the rot13 transform on a string
  • strip_tags Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string
  • stripcslashes Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes
  • stripslashes Un-quotes a quoted string

Unfortunately all other string functions do not work with UTF-8.

  • case handling or spaces does not work with UTF-8
  • string lengths in parameters and return values are not in character lengths
  • string processing causes data corruption
  • string function is comletely ASCII oriented

In some cases functions can work as expected when parameters are US-ASCII and
lengths are byte lenghts.

Binary string function are still useful:

  • bin2hex Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation
  • chr Return a specific character (=byte)
  • convert_uudecode Decode a uuencoded string
  • convert_uuencode Uuencode a string
  • crc32 Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string
  • crypt One-way string hashing
  • hex2bin Decodes a hexadecimally encoded binary string
  • md5_file Calculates the md5 hash of a given file
  • md5 Calculate the md5 hash of a string
  • ord Return ASCII value of character (=byte)
  • sha1_file Calculate the sha1 hash of a file
  • sha1 Calculate the sha1 hash of a string

Configuration functions do not apply:

  • get_html_translation_table Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars and htmlentities
  • localeconv Get numeric formatting information
  • nl_langinfo Query language and locale information
  • setlocale Set locale information

Regular expression functions and encoding and transcoding functions are not considered.


In quite a few cases, Multibyte String
offers an UTF-8 variant:

  • mb_convert_case Perform case folding on a string
  • mb_parse_str Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable
  • mb_split Split multibyte string using regular expression
  • mb_strcut Get part of string
  • mb_strimwidth Get truncated string with specified width
  • mb_stripos Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
  • mb_stristr Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
  • mb_strlen Get string length
  • mb_strpos Find position of first occurrence of string in a string
  • mb_strrchr Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another
  • mb_strrichr Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive
  • mb_strripos Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
  • mb_strrpos Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string
  • mb_strstr Finds first occurrence of a string within another
  • mb_strtolower Make a string lowercase
  • mb_strtoupper Make a string uppercase
  • mb_strwidth Return width of string
  • mb_substr_count Count the number of substring occurrences
  • mb_substr Get part of string

And iconv provides a bare minimum of string functions:

  • iconv_strlen Returns the character count of string
  • iconv_strpos Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack
  • iconv_strrpos Finds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack
  • iconv_substr Cut out part of a string

Lastly Intl has a lot of extra and powerful Unicode features (but no regular expressions) as part of i18n. Some features overlap with other string functions. With respect to string functions these are:

  • IntlBreakIterators
  • Grapheme Functions

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