Getimagesize() Not Returning False When It Should

getimagesize() returns false on some images

After looking around SO I've found this insightful answer regarding PHP's upload limits. I combined it with what I already knew and finally got it working using the following code in my .htaccess (limiting uploads to 5MB):

php_value upload_max_filesize 5M
php_value post_max_size 8M
php_value max_input_time 1800
LimitRequestBody 0

Bottom line is: the problem wasn't in PHP's getimagesize() function, it was that the images were never uploaded to the server due to file size limits in both Apache and PHP. Thanks everyone who answered and commented, It would have been a lot more painful to figure it out without your help!

getimagesize in php returning false

You can get file size directly using $_FILES['photo']['size'] or if it is image size like length and width of image you may have to check if GD package is loaded properly

PHP getimagesize() return value and errors

Here is the code

Reference from user contribution james dot relyea at zifiniti dot com

// Retrieve JPEG width and height without downloading/reading entire image.
function getjpegsize($img_loc) {
$handle = fopen($img_loc, "rb") or die("Invalid file stream.");
$new_block = NULL;
if(!feof($handle)) {
$new_block = fread($handle, 32);
$i = 0;
if($new_block[$i]=="\xFF" && $new_block[$i+1]=="\xD8" && $new_block[$i+2]=="\xFF" && $new_block[$i+3]=="\xE0") {
$i += 4;
if($new_block[$i+2]=="\x4A" && $new_block[$i+3]=="\x46" && $new_block[$i+4]=="\x49" && $new_block[$i+5]=="\x46" && $new_block[$i+6]=="\x00") {
// Read block size and skip ahead to begin cycling through blocks in search of SOF marker
$block_size = unpack("H*", $new_block[$i] . $new_block[$i+1]);
$block_size = hexdec($block_size[1]);
while(!feof($handle)) {
$i += $block_size;
$new_block .= fread($handle, $block_size);
if($new_block[$i]=="\xFF") {
// New block detected, check for SOF marker
$sof_marker = array("\xC0", "\xC1", "\xC2", "\xC3", "\xC5", "\xC6", "\xC7", "\xC8", "\xC9", "\xCA", "\xCB", "\xCD", "\xCE", "\xCF");
if(in_array($new_block[$i+1], $sof_marker)) {
// SOF marker detected. Width and height information is contained in bytes 4-7 after this byte.
$size_data = $new_block[$i+2] . $new_block[$i+3] . $new_block[$i+4] . $new_block[$i+5] . $new_block[$i+6] . $new_block[$i+7] . $new_block[$i+8];
$unpacked = unpack("H*", $size_data);
$unpacked = $unpacked[1];
$height = hexdec($unpacked[6] . $unpacked[7] . $unpacked[8] . $unpacked[9]);
$width = hexdec($unpacked[10] . $unpacked[11] . $unpacked[12] . $unpacked[13]);
return array($width, $height);
} else {
// Skip block marker and read block size
$i += 2;
$block_size = unpack("H*", $new_block[$i] . $new_block[$i+1]);
$block_size = hexdec($block_size[1]);
} else {
return FALSE;
return FALSE;

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