Import File Size Limit in PHPmyadmin

Import file size limit in PHPMyAdmin

You probably didn't restart your server ;)

Or you modified the wrong php.ini.

Or you actually managed to do both ^^

How to Increase Import Size Limit in phpMyAdmin

Could you also increase post_max_size and see if it helps?

Uploading a file through an HTML form makes the upload treated like any other form element content, that's why increasing post_max_size should be required too.

Update : the final solution involved the command-line:

To export only 1 table you would do

mysqldump -u user_name -p your_password your_database_name your_table_name > dump_file.sql

and to import :

mysql -u your_user -p your_database < dump_file.sql 

'drop table your_tabe_name;' can also be added at the top of the import script if it's not already there, to ensure the table gets deleted before the script creates and fill it

phpMyAdmin import file size 2M limit

I checked with my DigitalOcean technical support and found out the reason: I restarted Nginx, but haven't restarted php-fpm which is the PHP process for Nginx.

After I tried service php7.0-fpm restart, phpMyAdmin is showing (Max: 150MiB) for importing limit now. And the importing works!

Docker: PhpMyAdmin has an upload limit of 2048KiB

Use like this UPLOAD_LIMIT env in docker. This is from my docker-compose.yml. Default value for UPLOAD_LIMIT is 2048K which is 2048KiB. Setting value to 300M increases it to 300MiB.


image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
container_name: 'php7.3-phpmyadmin'
restart: 'always'
- mysql
PMA_HOST: mysql
PMA_PORT: 3306
- '8082:80'
- /sessions

override phpmyadmin upload limit

I have figured it out myself.
php.ini under /etc/apache/ have to modify to override default value 2MB upload size for phpmyadmin.
While /etc/php/7.2/php.d/30-user.ini can override values for php.

phpMyAdmin maximum upload size not changed

You're asking about a feature called the UploadDir, which lets you define a folder where phpMyAdmin can import files that you upload through some other means. Setting $cfg['UploadDir']='/some/path/ causes files in that folder to automatically show up in the phpMyAdmin import page.

As far as changing the PHP settings, you can refer to the documentation; ensure that you've changed each of these and then restarted the webserver:

  • max_execution_time
  • upload_max_filesize
  • memory_limit
  • post_max_size

Import file in MAMP(file size exceeded the maximum size permitted)

I did all these things but nothing happened.I have two files with the name "php.ini",the first is "php.ini-development" and the second is "php.ini-production".Because i don't know which is the correct file to change the values,i changed the values and at the two because my phpinfo have like a Loaded Configuration File this:"C:\MAMP\conf\php7.0.13\php.ini" and not one of the two.

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