Laravel Eloquent Sum of Relation's Column

Laravel Eloquent Sum of relation's column


The documentation is a little light for some of the Collection methods but all the query builder aggregates are seemingly available besides avg() that can be found at

Laravel: How to get SUM of a relation column using Eloquent

You need sub query to do that. I'll show you some solution:

  • Solution 1

    $amountSum = Transaction::selectRaw('sum(amount)')
    ->whereColumn('account_id', '')

    $accounts = Account::select('accounts.*')
    ->selectSub($amountSum, 'amount_sum')

    foreach($accounts as $account) {
    echo $account->amount_sum;
  • Solution 2

    Create a withSum macro to the EloquentBuilder.

    use Illuminate\Support\Str;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
    use Illuminate\Database\Query\Expression;

    Builder::macro('withSum', function ($columns) {
    if (empty($columns)) {
    return $this;

    if (is_null($this->query->columns)) {

    $columns = is_array($columns) ? $columns : func_get_args();
    $columnAndConstraints = [];

    foreach ($columns as $name => $constraints) {
    // If the "name" value is a numeric key, we can assume that no
    // constraints have been specified. We'll just put an empty
    // Closure there, so that we can treat them all the same.
    if (is_numeric($name)) {
    $name = $constraints;
    $constraints = static function () {

    $columnAndConstraints[$name] = $constraints;

    foreach ($columnAndConstraints as $name => $constraints) {
    $segments = explode(' ', $name);


    if (count($segments) === 3 && Str::lower($segments[1]) === 'as') {
    [$name, $alias] = [$segments[0], $segments[2]];

    // Here we'll extract the relation name and the actual column name that's need to sum.
    $segments = explode('.', $name);

    $relationName = $segments[0];
    $column = $segments[1];

    $relation = $this->getRelationWithoutConstraints($relationName);

    $query = $relation->getRelationExistenceQuery(
    new Expression("sum(`$column`)")
    )->setBindings([], 'select');


    $query = $query->mergeConstraintsFrom($relation->getQuery())->toBase();

    if (count($query->columns) > 1) {
    $query->columns = [$query->columns[0]];

    // Finally we will add the proper result column alias to the query and run the subselect
    // statement against the query builder. Then we will return the builder instance back
    // to the developer for further constraint chaining that needs to take place on it.
    $column = $alias ?? Str::snake(Str::replaceFirst('.', ' ', $name.'_sum'));

    $this->selectSub($query, $column);

    return $this;

    Then, you can use it just like when you're using withCount, except you need to add column that need to sum after the relationships (relation.column).

    $accounts = Account::withSum('transactions.amount')->get();

    foreach($accounts as $account) {
    // You can access the sum result using format `relation_column_sum`
    echo $account->transactions_amount_sum;
    $accounts = Account::withSum(['transactions.amount' => function (Builder $query) {
    $query->where('status', 'APPROVED');

Laravel 8 Sum column of related table

You can use withSum method. This method accept the relation method as first argument and column to sum as second argument

$lastInvoices = Invoice::latest()

Laravel Eloquent - Sum multiple relation columns

I managed to make the query using only eloquent. My database performance has changed dramatically as expected.

This is the query using only eloquent:

$invoice = Invoice::number($number)
->selectRaw('invoices.uuid as uuid,
invoices.number_id as number_id,
count(*) as contacts,
sum(incoming_messages) as incoming_messages,
sum(outgoing_messages) as outgoing_messages,
sum(outgoing_template_messages) as outgoing_template_messages,
->join('contacts', 'contacts.invoice_id', '=', '')


I got into a problem where my query didn't return invoices that didn't have any contacts, I had to make a small change.

The join() method generates an inner join, the inner join does not include rows from table A that have no elements in table B.

To overcome this situation, a left join must be used. However, if the left join has no values in table B, it was returning my sums as null.

To solve this I simply used the MySql function ifnull().

This is the final query:

$invoices = Invoice::number($number)
->selectRaw('invoices.uuid as uuid,
invoices.number_id as number_id,
ifnull(count(, 0) as contacts,
ifnull(sum(incoming_messages), 0) as incoming_messages,
ifnull(sum(outgoing_messages), 0) as outgoing_messages,
ifnull(sum(outgoing_template_messages), 0) as outgoing_template_messages,
->leftJoin('contacts', 'contacts.invoice_id', '=', '')

laravel 7 Get Sum From eloquent relation column

You can use withCount method with callback like this.

$user = User::with(['affiliateCode','rewardPoints','orders'=>function($query){
->withCount(['orders as orders_amount'=>function($q){

Laravel Sum of relation

class Invoices extends Eloquent {

public function payments()
return $this->hasMany('Payments');

class Payments extends Eloquent {

public function invoices()
return $this->belongsTo('Invoices');

In your controller

Invoice::with(['payments' => function($query){


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