.Htaccess 301 Redirect of Single Page

.htaccess 301 redirect of single page

RedirectMatch uses a regular expression that is matched against the URL path. And your regular expression /contact.php just means any URL path that contains /contact.php but not just any URL path that is exactly /contact.php. So use the anchors for the start and end of the string (^ and $):

RedirectMatch 301 ^/contact\.php$ /contact-us.php

301 redirect any page to one specific page

Yes, that is possible -- instead of mod_rewrite you need to use mod_alias (which has more chances to be enabled).

This one will redirect everything to index.html on newsite.com/

RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.*)$ http://newsite.com/index.html

This one will redirect everything to the same path but on another domain: (e.g. oldsite.com/meow.php => newsite.com/meow.php)

RedirectMatch 301 ^/(.*)$ http://newsite.com/$1

.htaccess 301 redirect all pages on old domain to a single page on new domain

You can use RedirectMatch in the old.com vhost

RedirectMatch permanent .* http://www.new.com/

Redirect appends the trailing portion of the matched URI to the redirection URI but with RedirectMatch it's up to you to choose the parts (if any) that you want to transfer using parentheses and $number references.

If the old and new domains must be aliases for the same document root on disk then you'll probably have to use mod_rewrite

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} old\.com$
RewriteRule .* http://www.new.com/ [L,R=301]

Htaccess 301 redirect is only redirecting domain not also the page

Posting my answer in comment section here so that readers can find it easily later

You need to use this rule instead for precise matching:

RedirectMatch 301 ^/page-old/ https://www.domain2.com/page-new/

Redirect is non-regex directive that works with starts-with match.

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