Http_Build_Query with Same Name Parameters

http_build_query with same name parameters

This should do what you want, I had an api that required the same thing.

$vars = array('foo' => array('x','y'));
$query = http_build_query($vars, null, '&');
$string = preg_replace('/%5B(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)%5D=/', '=', $query); //foo=x&foo=y

http_build_query giving me get parameters of the same name

Your $args variable should look like:

$args = array (
'pricefrom' => $fromval,
'priceto' => $toval,
'model' => $array


Use preg_replace for replace html special chars if you want to use http_build_query with multiple params.

$query = preg_replace('/%5B(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)%5D=/', '[]=', http_build_query($args));

You will receive an array by accessing to $_GET['model']

How to set query parameters with same name as Guzzle?

I solved above mentioned problem using Guzzle query request params.

I changed the query params as below. Then I changed the value of the guzzle 'query'.

$query_params = [
'test' => 'abc',
'test2' => true,
'limit' => 10,
'item_id' => array('8159','123')
$response = $this->client->request('GET', $endpoint, [
'headers' => [
'query' => Query::build($query_params)

How to construct url with http_build_query, but display values without variables?

You could use implode():

$server = $_GET["server"];
$data = [$_GET["z_koord"],
$url = '';
$saite = "$server/$url/" . implode('/', $data) . ".png";

I'm not sure about some things in this code, but the implode() should do the job.

PHP http_build_query() generate incorrect url for array get parameter

It's not a bug to http_build_query() function.

When you pass the get parameter via URL like: "arrayName[]="


will return

[arrayName] => Array
[0] =>


and http_build_query generates the url encoded string from array, the result is:


and decoded this looks like:


Now you can see where the 0 came from :)

There is no need to fix this, you can change your code to pass keys for the arrayName or still use it as is.

PHP - Using http_build_query for pagination is giving me repeated parameters

Use array_unique function

$_GET = array_unique ( $_GET );

Or better use preg_replace function:

$query = http_build_query($_GET);
$query = preg_replace('/page=\d*/i', '', $query);


if($pages > 1 && $set <= $pages) {
$query = http_build_query($_GET);
$query = preg_replace('/page=\d*/i', '', $query);
<div class="pagination-bar">
if($set > 1) {
<a href="?<?php echo $query ?>&page=1"> <<< </a>
<a href="?<?php echo $query ?>&page=<?php echo ((int)$set - 1) ?>"><<</a>

for($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
<a href="?<?php echo $query ?>&page=<?php echo $i.""; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a>  |  
if($set < $pages) {
<a href="?<?php echo $query ?>&page=<?php echo ((int)$set + 1); ?>">>></a>
<a href="?<?php echo $query ?>&action=list&page=<?php echo $pages; ?>"> >>> </a>

http_build_query() without url encoding

You can use urldecode() function on a result string which you get from http_build_query()

http_build_query without value on parameters (null value)

Can I achieve this result with http_build_query?

No. Internally http_build_query appends the = key-value separator no matter what is the value of the parameter.
You can see the source code here (PHP 7.3.3)

Means you either need to accept the cancel-renewal= look of the parameter or may be redesign the path to have something like /mypage/cancel-renewal?subscription-id=42

Third option would be to write your own simple function to build the query string.

Add, change, and remove GET parameters from query string

function changeQueryString($queryStr, $updateStr, $removeStr) {
parse_str($queryStr, $queryArr);
parse_str($updateStr, $updateArr);
parse_str($removeStr, $removeArr);
$changedArr = array_merge($queryArr, $updateArr);
foreach($removeArr as $k => $v) {
if(array_key_exists($k, $changedArr)) {
return http_build_query($changedArr);

$str = 'apple=green&banana=yellow2&navi=blue&clouds=white&car=black';
$changedQuery = changeQueryString($str, 'eyes=2&fingers=10&car=purple', 'clouds&apple');

This should work for you, utilizing parse_str(), array_merge() and http_build_query()

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