How to Refresh Token With Google API Client

Get refresh token google api

Found out by adding this to your url parameters



Use access_type=offline&prompt=consent instead.

approval_prompt=force no longer works

Get access token using Refresh token through google API using NodeJS

in the line where we storing a google account in MongoDB I was referencing access token to refresh the token field.

  const googleUser = await GoogleAccount.create({
refreshToken:tokens.refresh_token, //tokens.access_token this was the issue so changed access_token to refresh_token
id_token: tokens.id_token,
isActive: true,
user: userId,
imageLink: data.picture,

How to get refresh token while using Google API JS Client

It does not return a refresh token as designed. The tutorial and the code you mentioned are using Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript. This library uses the OAuth 2.0 client-side flow for making requests that require authorization.

As The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework says:

The implicit grant type is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI. These clients are typically implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript.

In fact, The authorization code flow is the only one which issue refresh token, and Google supports this flow in these Scenarios: Web server applications, Installed applications, and Applications on limited-input devices, but not Client-side (JavaScript) applications or Service accounts. Get more details from here.

So you'll not get refresh token in this way.

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