How to Make Reverse Object

Reversing an array of objects in Javascript

console.log() takes into account whether a mutable object has changed before it has been printed on the screen. And as your process of OUTPUT -> CHANGE -> OUTPUT is almost plesiochronous, both outputs are the same. You have to use a copy of x in order to get the prompt you need.

Try it this way:

// copy x
y = Object.assign({}, x);


Reverse object hierarchy

You could use a recursive function to collect all the values. Then use reduce to create a nested object from the values:

const initObject = { 
value: 5,
next: {
value: 10,
next: {
value: 15,
next: null

const getValues = ({ value, next }) =>
? [value, ...getValues(next)]
: [value]

const createObject = values =>
values.reduce((next, value) => ({ value, next }), null)

const output = createObject(getValues(initObject))


Reverse object in jQuery.each

As it is, you can't in any reliable manner. Because you are enumerating an Object, there is never a guaranteed order.

If you want a guaranteed numeric order, you would need to use an Array, and iterate backwards.

EDIT: This will convert your Object to an Array, and do a reverse iteration.

Note that it will only work if all the properties are numeric.

var data = $.parseJSON($('#sdata').val());
var arr = [];

for( var name in data ) {
arr[name] = data[name];
var len = arr.length;
while( len-- ) {
if( arr[len] !== undefined ) {

Reversing an Object.entries conversion

Sure, just use .reduce to assign to a new object: