Laravel - Form Input - Multiple Select for a One to Many Relationship

Laravel - Form Input - Multiple select for a one to many relationship

I agree with user3158900, and I only differ slightly in the way I use it:

{{Form::label('sports', 'Sports')}}

However, in my experience the 3rd parameter of the select is a string only, so for repopulating data for a multi-select I have had to do something like this:

<select multiple="multiple" name="sports[]" id="sports">
@foreach($aSports as $aKey => $aSport)
@foreach($aItem->sports as $aItemKey => $aItemSport)
<option value="{{$aKey}}" @if($aKey == $aItemKey)selected="selected"@endif>{{$aSport}}</option>

Laravel 7 multiselect in a one to many relationship

You have the logic correct there, it's just syntax/notation problem

In place of:

in_array($tag->id, $dashboard->tag)


in_array($tag->id, $dashboard->tag()->pluck("")->toArray())


  • $tag->id returns the ID (int from database)
  • since you have defined the relationship between dashboard and tags (with belongsToMany function), you just need to get an array that contains all the tag IDs of the variable $dashboard
  • $dashboard->tag() returns the relationship between $dashboard and its tags
  • $dashboard->tag()->pluck("") returns a laravel collection object that holds all tag IDs of $dashboard's tags
  • $dashboard->tag()->pluck("")->toArray(): the last toArray function convert a laravel collection object to php native array

Laravel - Store data in HasMany relationship from a multi-select form

saveMany will work in this scenario, you just need to convert your input array to a set of new Models first. Assuming you know the Criteria ID, try this:

    foreach (Input::get('bedrooms') as $bedroom) {
$selected[] = New Bedroom(['bedroom' => $bedroom]);
$criteria = Criteria::find($criteria_id)->bedrooms()->saveMany($selected);

Laravel 8: Multiple Select Option Does Not Send Data

I think you define your model relation wrong.
Tag model should be:

      public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

and the User Model relations:

      public function tags()
return $this->hasMany(Tag::class);

If you aim to establish a one-to-many relation.

Getting selected values from a multiple select form in Laravel

First, if you want to have multiple item selected by default, you have to give an array of values as 3rd parameter, not a simple value.


Form::select('size', array('L' => 'Large', 'M' => 'Medium', 'S' => 'Small'), array('S', 'M'), array('multiple'));

should show the select with S and M selected.

For the second point, you should try to give a name like size[] instead of size, it could be solve the problem (because your posted select is not a simple value, its an array of values)

Laravel Forms - Fill a Multiple Select Input to View

Fixed it by transforming the array elements to int before passing it to json_encode.

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