Getting the Name of a Child Class in the Parent Class (Static Context)

Getting the name of a child class in the parent class (static context)

in short. this is not possible. in php4 you could implement a terrible hack (examine the debug_backtrace()) but that method does not work in PHP5. references:

  • 30423

  • 37684

  • 34421

edit: an example of late static binding in PHP 5.3 (mentioned in comments). note there are potential problems in it's current implementation (src).

class Base {
public static function whoAmI() {
return get_called_class();

class User extends Base {}

print Base::whoAmI(); // prints "Base"
print User::whoAmI(); // prints "User"

Getting the name of a class on which a static function has been called

The following code should work:

class Base {  static getClassName() {    return;  }}
class Extended extends Base {}
console.log(Base.getClassName()); // Baseconsole.log(Extended.getClassName()); // Extended

PHP Get name of child class in static function

class B extends A
public static function fun()
class A
public static function fun()


Get child class name from parent with _CLASS_

__CLASS__ is "compile" time constant, this is why it will be replaced with "Parent" at the very start of script execution Magic constants

this constant returns the class name as it was declared

to get current class name you can use get_class function

Get test class name within static context from it's parent

I found the solution using '@ClassRule' and implemting a customg TestWatcher. As the starting(Description description) is called before the @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() method I can use it like this:

Here is my code:

public abstract class BaseTest {
public static CustomTestWatcher classWatcher = new CustomTestWatcher();
private static Map<String, String> testConfig;
private static FakeApplication fakeApplication;

public static class CustomTestWatcher extends TestWatcher {
private String className = BaseTest.class.getSimpleName();

public String getClassName() {
return className;

private void setClassName(String className) {
this.className = className;

protected void starting(Description description) {
//This will set className to = FooTest!
System.out.println("\nStarting test class: " + className);

public static void beforeClass() {
//Here now finally is FooTest!
String className = classWatcher.getClassName();
System.out.println("Creating Test Database and Fake Application for " + className);

Java: get the class of the inherited class from a static method

That's not the way that static methods work. You'll have to implement, do whatever it is that's special to Derived, and that method then calls If you really need the type information, you could create Base.foo0(Class klass).

But to be honest, any static method that needs to know that type of the class that it's invoked on should probably be an instance method.

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