Get Root Node of Xml Doc Using Simplexml

Get root node of XML doc using simplexml

Are you wanting to get the name of the root node?

$xml = simplexml_load_string($str);
echo $xml->getName();

SimpleXML - how to get root object name?

You should remove the extraneous questions from this question and post them separately. Keeping questions short makes it easier for readers to respond.

To answer your question

Where is my root element (config_admin) or how do i get it's name?

Your root element is returned by simplexml_load_string() or simplexml_load_file(). In case you don't know its name, you can get its name with getName(). If you know its name, you should always name the variable the same name as the root element, as it makes it easier to match variables to the node they represent.

 $config_admin = simplexml_load_file('config.xml');
echo $config_admin->getName();

PHP SimpleXML get document node

As far as I understand it, the root element is simply your xml variable so to access its attributes you can simply use foreach ($xml->attributes() as $z => $y).

SimpleXML root node prefix php

The problem with SimpleXML is that if you don't specify the namespace of an element when adding it, it assumes the namespace of the parent node (hence the p:). To add it to the default namespace (i.e. without a prefix) there are a couple of things you will need to change.

First is to add a default namespace declaration at the root element...

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<p:FatturazioneElettronica 
xmlns="" />');

I've just added is as xmlns="" near the end.

Then when adding the first element to the document, add this to the newly defined default namespace...

$FatturaElettronicaHeader = $xml->addChild('FatturaElettronicaHeader', 
null, '');

Get root node attributes

What is your existing PHP code? Are you using DOMDocument? SimpleXML?

The correct Xpath expression is 'string(/records/@timestamp)'

For SimpleXML see

$string = <<<XML
<records timestamp="1264777862">


$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($string);

$result = $xml->xpath('string(/records/@timestamp)');

while(list( , $node) = each($result)) {
echo $node,"\n";


And for DOMXPath see


$doc = new DOMDocument;


$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);

// our query is relative to the records node
$query = 'string(/records/@timestamp)';

$timestamp = $xpath->evaluate($query);
echo $timestamp ."\n";


See edit above. Need to cast to string in the xpath expression

SimpleXML get node value

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$this->xmlcode = (string) $xml->parent[0]->child1;

Adding in new XML root node

This seem to work

$units = $dom->createElement('units');


Unable to get root node from XML document

The $domLead already is the documentElement, not the document. You're loading the XML into a SimpleXMLElement object, this will always represent an element, never a document. So you're importing the document element into DOM.

$xmlLead = new SimpleXMLElement('<Operations username="test" password="test"/>');
$domLead = dom_import_simplexml($xmlLead);


string(10) "DOMElement"

If you would like to use DOM, create the DOMDocument directly and load your XML into it:

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadXml('<Operations username="test" password="test"/>');
var_dump(get_class($dom), get_class($dom->documentElement));


string(11) "DOMDocument"
string(10) "DOMElement"

If you have your XML loaded into a DOM, you can create an DOMXpath object and fetch data:

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadXml('<Operations username="test" password="test"/>');
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);

$xpath ->evaluate('string(/*/@username)'),
$xpath ->evaluate('string(/*/@password)')


string(4) "test"
string(4) "test"

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