Filter Multidimensional Array Based on Partial Match of Search Value

Filter multidimensional array based on partial match of search value

Use array_filter. You can provide a callback which decides which elements remain in the array and which should be removed. (A return value of false from the callback indicates that the given element should be removed.) Something like this:

$search_text = 'Bread';

array_filter($array, function($el) use ($search_text) {
return ( strpos($el['text'], $search_text) !== false );

For more information:

  • array_filter
  • strpos return values

search a php array for partial string match

You can use preg_grep function of php. It's supported in PHP >= 4.0.5.

$array = array(0 => 'blue', 1 => 'red', 2 => 'green string', 3 => 'red');
$m_array = preg_grep('/^green\s.*/', $array);

$m_array contains matched elements of array.

Searching multidimensional arrays for partial value in any key

foreach again inside the existing foreach and use strpos() !== false to check for the $needle or false for not found:

foreach($haystack as $key => $array) {
foreach($array as $value) {
if(strpos($value, $needle) !== false) {
return $key;

Search for matching partial values in an array

What you asked me in comment(below my answer),for that you can do it like below (My changed answer):-

$target = 285;
$array = array('260-315', '285-317', '240-320',"200-285");
foreach($array as $key=>$value){
if($target ==explode('-',$value)[0]){
echo $newTarget = $array[$key];
echo PHP_EOL;
echo $finalTarget = explode('-',$array[$key])[1];

Partial match search of an array in PHP

In your stripos() call, you had the needle and haystack reversed.

Then concatenate the result list.

Try this:

function array_find( $needle, $haystack )

$result = ''; //set default value

foreach ($haystack as $key => $array) {
foreach ( $array as $key2 => $value ) {
if (false !== stripos($value,$needle)) // hasstack comes before needle
$result .= $key . ' ' . $value . ' ' . $key2 . '<br>'; // concat results
//return $result;

return $result;

How to filter multidimensional array based on another multidimensional array of exclusions?

Breaking your exclusion array into separate variables is not advisable because this will make your code harder / more tedious to maintain when you want to modify the exclusion list.

Iterate your products array just one time.  Inside that loop, loop the attributes in each product having keys which match the first level keys in the exclusion array. This is what array_intersect_key() does best and this prevents performing an unnecessary comparison on the Product ID elements.  As soon as you find a disqualifying condition to be satisfied, stop the inner loop for best efficiency.

Code #1 (Demo) *my recommendation

$result = [];
foreach ($products as $product) {
foreach (array_intersect_key($product, $exclusions) as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value, $exclusions[$key])) {
continue 2;
$result[] = $product;

Code #2: (Demo)

foreach ($products as $index => $product) {
foreach (array_intersect_key($product, $exclusions) as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value, $exclusions[$key])) {

Code #3: (Demo)

function($product) use ($exclusions) {
return !array_filter(
array_intersect_key($product, $exclusions),
function($value, $key) use ($exclusions) {
return in_array($value, $exclusions[$key]);

Code #4: (Demo)

fn($product) => !array_filter(
array_intersect_key($product, $exclusions),
fn($value, $key) => in_array($value, $exclusions[$key]),

Code #1 uses continue 2; to stop the halt the inner loop, avoid storing the current product in the output array, then return to the outer loop to carry on processing the next product.

Code #2 is directly modifying the $products array.  By unsetting products, the array may cease to be an indexed array (the keys may have gaps between integers). If desirable, call array_values() after the loop to re-index the output.

Code #3 is using a functional style.  It is common for language constructs (e.g. foreach()) to outperform functional iterators, so I will assume this snippet (and Code #4) will be slightly slower than the first two.  Furthermore, array_filter() doesn't enjoy the early return that the foreach loops have with break and continue.  In other words, Code #3 & #4 will continue checking against the exclusion array even if a disqualifying condition has already been satisfied for a given product. And if that wasn't enough, I simply find the syntax too convoluted.

Code #4 is the same as Code #3, but is using the slightly shorter "arrow function" syntax which is available from PHP7.4 and up.  This affords the omission of use() and some other characters, but I still find the snippet less intuitive/readable compared to Code #1 & #2.

Filter array elements by searching for partial match in keys and values

Here is a preg_grep solution that should work more like a WHERE REGEXP 'PATTERN' in MySQL. I modified Daniel Klein's preg_grep_keys function to search for the pattern within array keys, and added an array_merge to it, which should work with the arrays with non-numeric keys. If the keys are numeric, just use a mere preg_grep solution (preg_grep('~Mark~i', $arr); to find all array elements having mark or Mark, etc.).


Merges the elements of one or more arrays together so that the values of one are appended to the end of the previous one. It returns the resulting array.
If the input arrays have the same string keys, then the later value for that key will overwrite the previous one. If, however, the arrays contain numeric keys, the later value will not overwrite the original value, but will be appended.

function preg_grep_keys_values($pattern, $input, $flags = 0) {
return array_merge(
array_intersect_key($input, array_flip(preg_grep($pattern, array_keys($input), $flags))),
preg_grep($pattern, $input, $flags)

$a = array(
''=> "Mark Mian lv",
''=> "John jack lv",
''=> "Bob Logon",
''=> "Stela Josh",
''=> "Json Josh",
''=> "Bob Mark"

$r = preg_grep_keys_values('~lv~i', $a);

See this IDEONE demo

The code above searches for lv (case-insensitively) in the keys first, then in the values, and then merges the results into 1 array. Thus, the results are:

[] => John jack lv
[] => Bob Mark
[] => Mark Mian lv

How to filter a two dimensional array by value

Use PHP's array_filter function with a callback.

$new = array_filter($arr, function ($var) {
return ($var['name'] == 'CarEnquiry');

Edit: If it needs to be interchangeable, you can modify the code slightly:

$filterBy = 'CarEnquiry'; // or Finance etc.

$new = array_filter($arr, function ($var) use ($filterBy) {
return ($var['name'] == $filterBy);

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