Explode String by One or More Spaces or Tabs

Explode string by one or more spaces or tabs

$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $str);

php preg_split explode line by multiple spaces and tabs in fields that may contain spaces too

You can use str_getcsv()

$line = 'A 4 "AB5672HMKL OLD" B 9500 8150 39 0000 L XFN "ProductPN"';

print_r(str_getcsv($line, ' '));


How can I explode a string by more than one space, but not by exactly one space in php

Just use preg_split('/ +/', $line); -- this is a blank followed by one or more blanks. Note that there are 2 blanks between the / and the +, even if it looks like one. Or, you could write it as '/ {2,}/', which also means previous expression (the blank) repeated at least 2 times.

Split string into substrings on one or more whitespaces


strsplit(test, '\\s+')
[1] "123" "nnn" "dddddd"

\\s will match all the whitespace characters.

In Ruby, how do I split on two or more spaces or a tab?

You could try this:

"a\t\tb   c d".split(/\t| {2,}/)
#=> ["a", "", "b", "c d"]

"ab \t\t\tf".split(/\t| {2,}/)
#=> ["ab ", "", "", "f"]

Where \t is for a tab and {2,} for two or more spaces. Notice that there is a space before {2,}.

To include non-breaking spaces you could add \u00A0 to the expression, like this:

str.split(/\t|[ |\u00A0]{2,}/)


str = "a\t\tb \u00A0 c d"         #=> "a\t\tb   c d"
str.split(/\t|[ |\u00A0]{2,}/) #=> ["a", "", "b", "c d"]

str = "ab \t\t\tf" #=> "ab \t\t\tf"
str.split(/\t|[ |\u00A0]{2,}/) #=> ["ab ", "", "", "f"]

Where [ |\u00A0]{2,} will check for 2 or more occurrences of either a space or non-breaking space.

Splitting a string with multiple spaces

Since the argument to split() is a regular expression, you can look for one or more spaces (" +") instead of just one space (" ").

String[] array = s.split(" +");

Explode string on second last and last space to create exactly 3 elements

You can approach this using explode and str_replace

$string = "Testing (3WIR)";
$stringToArray = explode(":",str_replace("(",":(",$string));
echo '<pre>';

Edited question answer:-

$subject = "Fluency in English Conversation Defklmno (1WIR)";
$toArray = explode(' ',$subject);
if(count($toArray) > 2){
$first = implode(" ",array_slice($toArray, 0,count($toArray)-2));
$second = $toArray[count($toArray)-2];
$third = $toArray[count($toArray)-1];
$result = array_values(array_filter([$first, $second, $third]));
$result = array_values(array_filter(explode(":",str_replace("(",":(",$subject))));


How do I split on multiple white space or tabs?

It happens because the group you used is a capturing one. See split reference:

If pattern contains groups, the respective matches will be returned in the array as well.

Use a non-capturing group (used only for grouping patterns) to avoid adding matched strings into the resulting array:


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