How to Overload Operators in PHP

Is it possible to overload operators in PHP?

If you are using PHP5 (and you should be), take a look at the SPL ArrayObject classes. The documentation isn't too good, but I think if you extend ArrayObject, you'd have your "fake" array.

EDIT: Here's my quick example; I'm afraid I don't have a valuable use case though:

class a extends ArrayObject {
public function offsetSet($i, $v) {
echo 'appending ' . $v;
parent::offsetSet($i, $v);

$a = new a;
$a[] = 1;

PHP overload = operator

No. PHP doesn't support operator overloading, with a few exceptions (as noted by @NikiC: "PHP supports overloading of some operators, like [], -> and (string) and also allows overloading some language constructs like foreach").Piskvor

php overload = operator

but in is a php extension that Operator overloading for: +, -, *, /, %, <<, >>, ., |, &, ^, ~, !, ++, --,
+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, .=, |=, &=, ^=, ~=,
==, !=, ===, !==, <, and <= operators.
Conditional support for > and >= available with application of a patch.

php overload = operator

No. PHP doesn't support operator overloading, with a few exceptions (as noted by @NikiC: "PHP supports overloading of some operators, like [], -> and (string) and also allows overloading some language constructs like foreach").

Is there an way to use Operator Overloading in PHP?

Well PHP doesn't support Operator Overloading altho I'd recommend looking at the thread bellow to read about possible similar solutions

Is it possible to overload operators in PHP?

But bare in mind, PHP's concept of overloading is no where similar to C++

Comparison operator overloading in php

see this as well:

Can I overload an array subscript operator in PHP?

Yes, with the ArrayAccess interface. Although you won't be able to cast the object to a proper array.

With ArrayObject (as mentioned in the duplicate question) you can however. Also see this comment on on how to achieve this when you are extending ArrayObject.

PHP static class Array[] operator?

[] can not be overloaded only variable and methods

Sample Class

class MyStaticClass
static public $somthing = array("somthingElse"=>"Hello Benj") ;

Calling it directly


You can also use

$MyStaticClass = MyStaticClass::$somthing ;

Both of them would Output

string 'Hello Benj' (length=10)

In PHP 5.4

function MyStaticClass()
return MyStaticClass::$somthing ;


php overload equals-operator

Here's a neat little trick I recently found out:

class Foo {
public $a;
public $b;

public function __toString() {
return (string)$this->a;

public function __construct($a, $b) {
$this->a = $a;
$this->b = $b;


$a = new Foo(1, 'a');
$b = new Foo(2, 'b');
$c = new Foo(3, 'c');
$d = new Foo(2, 'd');
$array = array($a, $b);

$key = array_search($d, $array); // false

$key = array_search((string)$c, $array); // false
$key = array_search((string)$d, $array); // 1

This also works:

$is_equal = ((string)$d == $b);          // true

When passed a string $needle, array_search will try to cast the objects contained in $haystack to string to compare them, by calling the __toString magic method if it exists, which in this case returns Foo::$a.

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