Execute PHP Code in a String

Execute PHP code in a string

Needless to say you should find another solution ASAP. In the meantime you can eval the code like this:

$str = '<h1>Welcome</h1><?php echo $motto?><br/>'; // Your DB content

eval("?> $str <?php ");

Demo: http://codepad.org/ao2PPHN7

I can't stress that enough: eval is dangerous, and application code shouldn't be in the database. Try a template parser like Smarty, Dwoo, or my favorite: Twig.

How to execute string php code to run

As already stated you can use eval($string);. Beware that eval() evaluates a string as PHP code, so you need to be careful with the strings you allow to be passed!

If you take the string yourself from a predefined set of strings you created (using a swtich statement or something similar) it shouldn't be a problem.

If the string comes from the outside (user input or cURL requests or whatever) you shouldn't trust it and you should avoid using this method.

execute php code within string

never mind...bone-headed brain asleep. Just needed parenthesis...I had only tried curvy braces:

$CurrentMembershipYear = '2016';

echo '<h2>Two-Year Membership for '.$CurrentMembershipYear.' and '.(intval($CurrentMembershipYear)+1).'</h2>';

String variable to execute PHP code

You can use eval() for this

$test = <<<END
<p> <?php
echo time();
?> </p>

$result = ob_get_clean();

Execute a string of PHP code on the command line

Yep, it's there in PHP 5.2's cli SAPI.

If you cannot upgrade and that's the case that there's no such option in PHP 5.2 (I don't have it at hand to test), you can do this:

echo "<?php echo \"hi\\n\";" | php



There is indeed a -r option (though I'm not sure about PHP 5.2):

php -r "echo 'hi';";


Just make sure you are using the command line version of PHP. php --version should give you something like this (notice "cli"):

php --version

PHP 5.3.0 (cli) (built: May 20 2010 19:05:12) (DEBUG)
Copyright (c) 1997-2009 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies

Run PHP and HTML code from a string

You don't want to do this. If you still insist, you should check eval aka evil function. First thing to know, you must not pass opening <?php tag in string, second you need to use single quotes for php script You want to evaluate (variables in single quotes are not evaluated), so your script should look something like:


$string = '
<?php $var = "John"; ?>
<p>My name is <?php echo $var; ?></p>
// Replace first opening <?php in string
$string = preg_replace('/<\?php/', '', $string, 1);

However, this is considered very high security risk.

How to execute PHP code stored as a string?


is the function you want. But: eval() is evil!

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