Eloquent Orm Code Hinting in PHPstorm

Eloquent ORM Code Hinting in PhpStorm

For future Googlers, and perhaps OP as well if you are still sticking to Laravel.

The laravel-ide-helper package solves this issue for you quite elegantly, with what I believe is a relatively new feature; generated model PHPDocs.

You can generate a separate file for all PHPDocs with this command:

php artisan ide-helper:models

The generated metadata will look something like this for each class:

namespace App {
* App\Post
* @property integer $id
* @property integer $author_id
* @property string $title
* @property string $text
* @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
* @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at
* @property-read \User $author
* @property-read \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection|\Comment[] $comments
class Post {}

This caused issues for me in PHPStorm however, where the software was complaining about multiple class definitions. Luckily an option is readily available for writing directly to the model files:

php artisan ide-helper:models -W

There are a few more options and settings available if you need to tweak the behavior, but this is the gist of it.

PHPStorm - Laravel Eloquent no code hinting

You should use laravel-ide-helper package (https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper).


composer require --dev barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper

Hinting for models:

php artisan ide-helper:models

php artisan ide-helper:models --reset

Use --reset option to replace whole phpdoc block in models.

Code hinting for facades methods:

php artisan ide-helper:generate

Code hinting for classes called through containers:

php artisan ide-helper:meta

How can I provide hints to PhpStorm to find my Laravel custom query builder methods?

You'll need to add the class methods to the model using the unofficial @mixin PHPDoc directive. PhpStorm has had support for it for a few years now. A trait is probably the easiest way to do this on multiple models:

* @mixin MyModelQueryBuilder

trait HasCustomBuilder {

public function newEloquentBuilder($query): MyModelQueryBuilder
return new MyModelQueryBuilder($query);
class MyModel extends Model {
use HasCustomBuilder;

How to navigate Laravel model scopes in PhpStorm

as LazyOne said

  1. There is no real method emailLike() -- it is magic one (during runtime Laravel uses scopeEmailLike() instead). Try declaring such method using @method in a PHPDoc for the class. 2) Consider using Laravel Idea plugin -- it's a paid one BUT it offers A LOT of features for Laravel development, especially for code completion. And it's in active development. At very least give it a try.

Type hinting for the model objects of Eloquent ORM

Your best bet would be to install the laravel-ide-helper ServiceProvider package in your application


Seems to have a lot of helpful features for type hinting to the IDE.

PhpStorm cannot find model's methods in Laravel

Due to laravel "magic" Ide have some hard time to figure out what's going on,

I recommend you to use this :


just follow the instruction and your ide will now have a better understanding of the framework.

You can also install some PHPStorm plugins related to laravel :)

PHPStorm auto-complete not working with Laravel 5

Two possible fixes for that:

  1. Make your models extend the \Eloquent facade instead of
  2. If you prefer to keep using the
    "Model" facade, you can make your own alias in config/app.php,
    then change "eloquent" to "model" in the config/ide-helper.php under
    extra. This will let ide-helper include all the methods from
    Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder and
    Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder which is where the missing methods
    actually live.

(Source: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/general-discussion/phpstorm-thinks-modelwhere-doesnt-exist-on-model-l5/replies/37661)

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