Docker in Macos Is Very Slow

Devlibox (Docker) extremly slow on Mac

OK, I tried docker-sync and I did not realize any speed up. I decided to install Valet plus as I need to have multiple PHP version (easily switchable), MailHog, Xdebug, SSL on local domains, DnsMasq etc. All of this comes out of the box in Valet plus. I thought it would be much better to develop in Docker but Symfony uses really a lot of cached files on disk so this was really unusable (as page load was between 30 to 60 seconds).

Running Docker containers slows down new Macbook Pro to a crawl

Managed to somewhat fix the issue by adding :cached to the PHP volume in my docker-compose.yml file;

build: php-fpm
- ../:/app:cached
working_dir: /app

Page load times can still get to 3/5 seconds, but at least my Mac doesn't slow down anymore and it's still a massive improvement over the 10s/1m+ loadtimes I was seeing earlier.

Docker running really slow on mac after PHP 7.4 8 update

Found it eventually, posting an answer in case it helps anyone else.

Adding the following variables to docker-compose.yml resolved the issue.

XDEBUG_CONFIG: '${SAIL_XDEBUG_CONFIG:-client_host=host.docker.internal}'

Laravel Docker For Mac Very Slowly

Docker on OS X is just slow. Newer Docker versions have improved this.

Are you actually deploying this Dockerized? If not, consider just using artisan serve.

Docker Wordpress super slow

Mount to temporary folder on container, sync that folder with Bindfs to public server folder.
Serving WP site with direct mount is slow because container has to access Host files one by one, which is a heavy process. Serving from public folder while files being part directly of container is much faster.

I've encountered exactly the same problem with local WordPress on Docker Compose development. It doesn't matter how fast your computer might be, it'll still be slow when mounting the folders in the containers.

I also tried solutions like NFS and other recommendations like properly excluding the project in the antivirus, adding .dockerignore, etc. which at best improve just slightly the performance.

While browsing for a similar speed improvement I came across this Dockerfile at the WordPress Starter repository
If you look at this file you'll see that the way they intialize and mount the project in the container is by mounting it not to, let's say, /var/www/html/ directly, but a temporary folder instead. Then they sync this temporary folder to /var/www/html/ through bindfs. This way every time you load a WordPress page in the browser it'll be lightning fast because it won't have to access and read the Host files on every request. The WordPress files are part of the Linux container. When you make changes to your code those changes will reflect on the container temporary folder and bindfs will instantly sync those changes over to the public container folder, and same the other way around. All changes made on the public folder will be synced over to the temp folder, and from there to your Host project files.

Docker slow on OS X Symfony

Problem solved. More info about performance on MAC OS here

So I mounted my volumes using delegated like this:

build: .docker/apache
container_name: sf4_apache
- 80:80
- .docker/config/vhosts:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled:delegated
- .:/home/wwwroot/sf4:delegated
- php

Default skeleton Symfony 4 project now loads in less than 1 second. It is still kinda slow, but it's ten times faster than before. :)

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