Connect to a MySQL Server Over Ssh in PHP

Connect to a MySQL server over SSH in PHP


I think you are out of luck on this one. You can either use the ssh extension in your PHP code, or if you have access to the server, you could try to create a ssh tunnel on the command-line.

You probably need special permissions to do that, though. It also looks like you don't have ssh access to this hosting account.


Connect to a mysql database via SSH through PHP

I think you are out of luck on this one. You can either use the ssh
extension in your PHP code, or if you have access to the server, you
could try to create a ssh tunnel on the command-line.

You probably need special permissions to do that, though. It also
looks like you don't have ssh access to this hosting account.

duplicate answered by @jpm

Setting up tunneling posted by @Ólafur Waage on Connect to a MySQL server over SSH in PHP

And this one for tunneling by @Sosy

shell_exec(“ssh -f -L 3307: sleep 60 >> logfile”);  
$db = mysqli_connect(’′, ‘sqluser’, ‘sqlpassword’, ‘rjmadmin’, 3307);

Using mysql via SSH (php)

$ssh_connection = ssh2_connect($ssh_server, $ssh_port);
ssh2_auth_password($ssh_connection, $ssh_user, $ssh_password);
$query="SET CHARACTER SET utf8; use ${db_database}; ${query};";
$query=str_replace('"', '\'', stripslashes($query));
$ssh_query="ssh -L 3307:${ssh_server}:${ssh_port}; echo \"${query}\" | mysql -u ${db_username} -h ${db_hostname} --password=${db_password}";
$result=ssh2_exec($ssh_connection, $ssh_query);

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