Connect SQLsrv in Xampp

Connect sqlsrv in Xampp

First you need to download the driver

Now go to your XAMPP installation and search for php.dll
It will display correct PHP dll you have.

1) move following files to xampp/php/ext directory.


2) If you have php5ts.dll then move following files to xampp/php/ext directory.


above files should be used if your PHP version is compiled with Visual C++ 9.0 . Else following files should be used.

1) If you have php.dll then move following files to xampp/php/ext directory.


2) If you have php5ts.dll then move following files to xampp/php/ext directory.


Now we have to load files that we added recently. Open the php ini file and add entry in the area of dynamic extensions as follow.

extension= php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc9 .dll

Save the ini files and restart XAMPP

$check= @$CI->load->database($config, TRUE); // ommit the error
if ($check->call_function('error') !== 0) {
// Failed to connect

I don't know for sure what you are trying to do but in codeigniter you don't need to initialise database, CI automatically does it for you



$db_obj = $this->db->load('SQL_Test',TRUE);
$connected = $db_obj->initialize();

this is not needed.

You just need to load the model and in model start performing queries.
In controller you need to load the model like-


then call the model function in which you have written the queries.


XAMPP/SQLSRV: Unable to find Sqlsrv in PHPINFO(); - errors coming from connection

Solved. There were two problems.

  1. My Xampp installation was corrupt. It wouldn't recognize ANY new DLLs I noticed from using echo phpinfo(); on my page.

  2. The ini file configuration was attempting to use the x86 dll's instead of the x64's for some reason, even when the extensions were written in the ini as x64.

Steps to solve:

  1. I reinstalled and reconfigured Xampp with default settings once more, and dll's were now recognized.

  2. I removed the x86 dll's from the extensions directory of Xampp.

The final php.ini is as such:


Utilizing the final .dll may be redundant, but it still works as intended. Make sure you verify the correct version of sqlsrv or pdo_sqlsrv, as compatibility issues with your phpversion may occur.

How to connect xampp php 7.1.27 to a MsSQL server using pdo?

I found the answer from the comments:

  • Download and install ODBC Driver

  • Configure php.ini file by uncommenting this line:

  • Restart xampp

  • use this method to connect :

odbc_connect ( "Driver={SQL Server};Server=$servername;Database=$dbname" , $username ,  $password);

Connect XAMPP to microsoft sql server management studio 2012 in one machine

You first need to install or enable(if already installed) the sqlserver php driver and then you could try something like below which i have just taken from Microsoft documentation

$serverName = "(local)";
$database = "AdventureWorks";

// Get UID and PWD from application-specific files.
$uid = file_get_contents("C:\AppData\uid.txt");
$pwd = file_get_contents("C:\AppData\pwd.txt");

try {
$conn = new PDO( "sqlsrv:server=$serverName;Database = $database", $uid, $pwd);

catch( PDOException $e ) {
die( "Error connecting to SQL Server" );

echo "Connected to SQL Server\n";

$query = 'select * from Person.ContactType';
$stmt = $conn->query( $query );
while ( $row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) ){
print_r( $row );

// Free statement and connection resources.
$stmt = null;
$conn = null;

I hope it helps you

Cannot connect to a SQL database via XAMPP - Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed

Try updating SQL Server drivers!!

You probably can find those drivers by Googling "Download ODBC Driver for SQL Server".
In my case, verion 17 or above fixed the issue.

Also, try the PDO-SQL-Server example (maybe PDO implementation works).


function mssqlConnect() {
$ServerName = "xxx";

try {
$conn = new PDO( "sqlsrv:server=$ServerName;Database = database", 'user', 'password');
} catch( PDOException $e ) {
die( "Connection could not be established - " . $e->getMessage() );

echo "Connection established";
return $conn;

function findEmployee($name) {
$conn = mssqlConnect();
$stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM employees WHERE name = :name');
if ($stmt->execute(array('name' => $name))) {
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
// do something with $row
} else {
echo 'Query error - ' . join(' ', $stmt->errorInfo());

// Close connection which execute created.


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