Boolean Value Switch/Invert

Boolean value switch/invert


$boolean = !$boolean;

if it's not a boolean value, you can use the ternary construction:

$int = ($some_condition ? 1 : 2); // if $some_condition is true, set 1
// otherwise set 2

PHP Flip Boolean Value

You can use this:

$my_boolean = !$my_boolean;

Is there a better way to invert the value of a boolean on a loop?

std::cout << (switch = !switch) << std::endl;


std::cout << !switch << std::endl << switch << std::endl;

Easiest way to flip a boolean value?

You can flip a value like so:

myVal = !myVal;

so your code would shorten down to:

switch(wParam) {
case VK_F11:
flipVal = !flipVal;

case VK_F12:
otherVal = !otherVal;


How to toggle a boolean?

bool = !bool;

This holds true in most languages.

How to get opposite boolean value of variable in Javascript

>>> a = true;
>>> !a;

What's the most concise way to get the inverse of a Java boolean value?

Just assign using the logical NOT operator ! like you tend to do in your condition statements (if, for, while...). You're working with a boolean value already, so it'll flip true to false (and vice versa):

myBool = !myBool;

Flip a boolean value without referencing it twice

You can use xor operator (^):

x = True
x ^= True
print(x) # False
x ^= True
print(x) # True

Edit: As suggested by Guimoute in the comments, you can even shorten this by using x ^= 1 but it will change the type of x to an integer which might not be what you are looking for, although it will work without any problem where you use it as a condition directly, if x: or while x: etc.

Cleanest way to toggle a boolean variable in Java?

theBoolean = !theBoolean;

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