Where Is G_Multi Configured in Beaglebone Black

beaglebone black insmod modprobe g_mass_storage did NOT work

We discovered that there is g_multi module that is conflicting with g_mass_storage
rmmod g_multi allowed to insert g_mass_storage.

However, g_multi solves the purpose of g_mass_storage.

This worked:

# modprobe g_multi file=/tmp/auto_storage removable=y

BeagleBone Black interrupts through kernel driver

The problem was that the GPIO2 module clocks was disabled.

" CM_PER_GPIO2_CLKCTRL Register (offset = B0h) [reset = 30000h]" of "AM335x SitaraTM Processors - Technical Reference Manual"

Bits 1-0:
Control the way mandatory clocks are managed.
0x0 = DISABLED : Module is disable by SW. Any OCP access to module results in an error, except if resulting from a module wakeup (asynchronous wakeup).
0x1 = RESERVED_1 : Reserved
0x2 = ENABLE : Module is explicitly enabled. Interface clock (if not used for functions) may be gated according to the clock domain state. Functional clocks are guarantied to stay present. As long as in this configuration, power domain sleep transition cannot happen.
0x3 = RESERVED : Reserved

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