Linux Shell Scripting: Hex Number to Binary String

Linux shell scripting: hex number to binary string

I used 'bc' command in Linux. (much more complex calculator than converting!)

echo 'ibase=16;obase=2;5f' | bc

ibase parameter is the input base (hexa in this case), and obase the output base (binary).

Hope it helps.

Hex to Binary conversion in bash

BC is a bit sensitive to case for hex values, change to uppercase and it should work

for j in C4 97 91 8C 85 87 C4 90 8C 8D 9A 83 81
BIN=$(echo "obase=2; ibase=16; $j" | bc )
echo $BIN



Convert a decimal number to hexadecimal and binary in a shell script

The following one-liner should work:

printf "%s %08d 0x%02x\n" "$1" $(bc <<< "ibase=10;obase=2;$1") "$1"

Example output:

$ for i in {1..10}; do printf "%s %08d 0x%02x\n" "$i" $(bc <<< "ibase=10;obase=2;$i") "$i"; done
1 00000001 0x01
2 00000010 0x02
3 00000011 0x03
4 00000100 0x04
5 00000101 0x05
6 00000110 0x06
7 00000111 0x07
8 00001000 0x08
9 00001001 0x09
10 00001010 0x0a

Convert binary data to hexadecimal in a shell script

Perhaps use xxd:

% xxd -l 16 -p /dev/random

How to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal in bash/scripting by only using functions

I was always told you convert a number from one base to another by converting single digit from the back in that number and then multiply that number by the base and position it is in.

First I wrote a function to convert a single digit from hex to dec. Then I convert the number from the most significant digit (from the one to the left) to dec, then multiply by 16, then add the next digit, then mutliply by 16 and so on.

hextodec1() {
case "$1" in
[0-9]) echo "$1"; ;;
a|A) echo 10; ;;
b|B) echo 11; ;;
c|C) echo 12; ;;
d|D) echo 13; ;;
e|E) echo 14; ;;
f|F) echo 15; ;;

for ((i = ${#num} - 1; i >= 0; --i)); do
((out = out * 16 + $(hextodec1 ${num:$i:1}) ))
echo $out

You can extract a substring of string by using ${variable_name:$start_position:$length}.

But really the simplest way is to do this:

echo $((0x$num))

You algorithm needs some fixing because bash understands decimal numbers by default, or hexadecimal numbers if pretended with 0x. So you loop for (( x=0; num>0; x++ )); do will not work for num=6C3 cause num is a string, and bash can't compare number x to string 6C3. You can do for ((x=0;(0x$num)>0;++x)); do but then you might better just echo $((0x$num)), cause the first time you will num=$(( (0x$num) % 2 )) it will be converted to decimal and the next time bash enters the loop condition the variable will be in decimal not hex.

BASh - Convert list of hex values to binary file (application)

Simply, use xxd directly from a bash like

xxd outfile > outfile.hex

and you will see, here isn't any 0a.

The 0a is appended somewhere when the vim sends a line to xxd command. If you want convert inside vim - try use

vim -b outfile

what open the outfile in binary mode.

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