Trouble Ssh Tunneling to Remote Server

Trouble SSH Tunneling to remote server

Your problem is you are sending the http header "Location: localhost" which means if the destination webserver is using virtualhosts, it will try to lookup for website "localhost" and not for website ""

One way is as Ryan pointed out to modify your hosts file and tell your machine that it's on, that way when you type it in your browser you will go through the tunnel with the right "Host:" http header set.

Another way it's installing an extension for your browser to change the Host header like this one for firefox.

PhpStorm ssh tunnel to remote server - anything to configure on remote server?

Accordingly to your xdebug log you have an error in settings there rather than in SSH.

Based on your xdebug section of phpinfo() out put you need to set xdebug.remote_connect_back = 0 (or off -- same meaning). Also make sure that xdebug.remote_host = localhost.

With your current settings xdebug tries to connect back to the TCP 9000 on IP where request came from while for SSH tunnelling to work you need it to connect to local TCP 9000 (and SSH will tunnel such connection back to your local machine bypassing firewall/router).

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