How to Install Xclip on an Ec2 Instance

How can I install xclip on an EC2 instance?

I needed this today for a file larger than a ssh-key, and cat was not enough. You need to enable the EPEL repo in EC2 in order to get xclip:

sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum-config-manager --enable epel
sudo yum install xclip -y

Neither xclip nor xsel in the following directory

I found the following package that installed xclip and xsel in my computer.

rpm -ivh xclip-0.12-1.el6.rf.i686.rpm

Make sure to yum the following packages, otherwise, the above package will not be installed.

yum -y install

yum -y install

However, my program still is not executed by python because it appears the following address:


Edited on February 3

Finally my program worked and I found out that the problem was the first code.

import random, sys, CipherEncryptionP
for i in range(20):
message = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'*random.randint(4,40)
message = list(message)
print('Test #%s: "%s..."' % (i+1, message[:50]))
for key in range(1,len(message)):
encrypted = CipherEncryptionP.encryptMessage(message,key)
print('Transposition cipher test passed. ')

I don't know what's the problem with the main function that I had at the beginning but this new fix definitely solved my problem.

Editer on February 3

At the end I discovered that the main function was missing an underscore, so I was able to run my program with that small fix. The problem was solved.

Install nvm / node on AMZ Linux 2 EC2 Instance with userData script

Although I still haven't figure out why the userData Script above doesn't work (it used to, so I'm not sure what changed), I was able to install Node using the following as userData, so I thought I'd share.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
yum update -y
curl -sL | bash -
yum install -y nodejs git

I'd still be interested to know why the first script no longer works, if anyone has any idea.



Error: Can't open display: (null) when using Xclip to copy ssh public key

DISPLAY=:0 xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/ didn't work for me (ubuntu 14.04), but you can use :

cat ~/.ssh/

to get your public key

Installing CouchDB in AWS EC2 Free Tier

The apache team put together this quick script that installs CouchDB (thanks @_jhs
for build-couchdb!) on an Amazon Linux AMI:

If you are using cloudinit + the EC2 command line tools, simply use
ec2-run-instances with --user-data-file (you will need some mods to
the script to save the password or locally generate one) and voila'.
Relaxing FTW.

Worked like a charm for me!

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