Tail Logback Log Files with Log Level Coloring in Linux Server

tail logback log files with log level coloring in linux server

I don't know what file formats are supported by multitail per default but you can easily create a new color scheme for logback (see multitail.conf). I added the current log4j colorscheme as an example:

cs_re:blue:^[0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*,[0-9]*
cs_re_s:blue,,bold:^[^ ]* *[^,]*,[^ ]* *[0-9]* *(DEBUG) *[^ ]* [^ ]* *(.*)$
cs_re_s:green:^[^ ]* *[^,]*,[0-9]* *[0-9]* *(INFO) *[^ ]* [^ ]* *(.*)$
cs_re_s:yellow:^[^ ]* *[^,]*,[0-9]* *[0-9]* *(WARN) *[^ ]* [^ ]* *(.*)$
cs_re_s:red:^[^ ]* *[^,]*,[0-9]* *[0-9]* *(ERROR) *[^ ]* [^ ]* *(.*)$
cs_re_s:red,,bold:^[^ ]* *[^,]*,[0-9]* *[0-9]* *(FATAL) *[^ ]* [^ ]* *(.*)$
cs_re_s:white,,bold:^[^ ]* *[^,]*,[0-9]* *[0-9]* *[A-Z]* *(.*)

Tail multiple files shown by separate colors?

This will print the output in two different colors depending on which log file it comes from:

tail -f log1 log2 | awk $'/==> log1/{print "\033[0m\033[1;33;40m";} /==> log2/{print "\033[0m\033[1;35;40m";} 1'

Update by Elliot Chance: Thats the start I needed, here was the working version:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/tv7r9r3falz0_error.log protected/runtime/application.log | awk '/==> /{print "\033[0m\033[1;36;40m";} /==> p/{print "\033[0m\033[1;33;40m";} {print $0}'

SLF4J-Logback : Multiple Pattern based on Log Level

In the appender config, set prudent to true. This will allow multiple appenders to write to the same file.

Webshpere and QOS logback: log-files are locked for rolling

This article does help me - http://logback.qos.ch/manual/jmxConfig.html
although we do not use any JMXConfigurators in our apps ...

So i added in web.xml


Listener has next code:

public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
log.debug("contextDestroyed({}) called.", sce);

* Avoiding memory leaks
* If your application is deployed in a web-server or an application server,
* the registration of an JMXConfigurator instance creates a reference from the system class loader
* into your application which will prevent it from being garbage collected when it is stopped or re-deployed,
* resulting in a severe memory leak.
* Thus, unless your application is a standalone Java application,
* you MUST unregister the JMXConfigurator instance from the JVM's Mbeans server.
* Invoking the reset() method of the appropriate LoggerContext will automatically unregister any
* JMXConfigurator instance. A good place to reset the logger context is in the contextDestroyed()
* method of a javax.servlet.ServletContextListener.
private void deRegisterLog() {
LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
log.info("Trying to stop logger factory {}", lc);
if (lc != null) {

Is possible to change the forecolor of log4j?

Check this resource : http://marc.info/?l=log4j-user&m=120574713010072

Tail multiple files shown by separate colors?

This will print the output in two different colors depending on which log file it comes from:

tail -f log1 log2 | awk $'/==> log1/{print "\033[0m\033[1;33;40m";} /==> log2/{print "\033[0m\033[1;35;40m";} 1'

Update by Elliot Chance: Thats the start I needed, here was the working version:

tail -f /var/log/apache2/tv7r9r3falz0_error.log protected/runtime/application.log | awk '/==> /{print "\033[0m\033[1;36;40m";} /==> p/{print "\033[0m\033[1;33;40m";} {print $0}'

Java Log Viewer

You didn't mention an OS, so I'll mention this though it is only on Windows.

Bare Metal Software makes a product called BareTail that has a nice interface and works well. They have a free version with a startup nag screen, a licensed version with no nag, and a pro version with additional features. It has configurable highlighting based on matching lines against keywords.

They also have a BareGrep product too, which provides similar grep capabilities. Both are excellent and very stable and better than anything I've seen on Windows. I liked them so much I bought the bundle with both pro versions for $50.

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