Issues with Using Jump Host

How to use a jumphost/jump server in a script

Something along the lines of:

ssh -At jumpserver ssh -At server1

should work. The -t makes sure that a pseudo-tty is allocated where needed (it may not be necessary on the second one, but I don't have a setup where I can test that at the moment, and it won't hurt). This also has the benefit that when you exit from server1, both sessions go away...

ssh: suppress Banners of Jumphosts

You can create an empty file on the target server in your users home directory called ~/.hushlogin and it will stop the message of the day from displaying.

Just connect and run touch ~/.hushlogin and the next time you log in it should be suppressed.

SSH tunnel forwarding with jump host and remote database

I figured it out. It works with a combination of ssh config settings and the SSHTunnelForwarder context manager from the sshtunnel library.

Using the following model and naming conventions:

[A: local host] -> [B: jump host] -> [C: target host] => [D: RDS MySQL host]

I set up my ~/.ssh/config to get from A to C through B:

Host C_ssh_shortcut
HostName C_host
User C_user
Port 22
ForwardAgent yes
ProxyCommand ssh B_user@B_host -W %h:%p

I added the key/keys I used to log in to B and C to my ssh-agent:


And finally I set up SSHTunnelForwarder:

import sqlalchemy
from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder

with SSHTunnelForwarder(
"C_ssh_shortcut", # The SSHTunnelForwarder "ssh_address_or_host" argument, which takes care of bypassing B through the ProxyCommand set up in ~/.ssh/config
remote_bind_address=(D_host, 3306), # Points to your desired destination, ie. database host on 3306, which is the MySQL port
local_bind_address=('', 1111) # Gives a local way to access this host and port on your machine. '' is localhost /, 1111 is an unused port
) as server:
connection_string = "mysql+pymysql://D_user:D_password@localhost:1111/D_dbname" # note that D_host and D_port were replaced by the host and port defined in "local_bind_address"
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connection_string)
# do your thing

From here, I am able to use my engine as usual to interact with my database.

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