Run Shell Command in Jenkins as Root User

Run shell command in jenkins as root user?

You need to modify the permission for jenkins user so that you can run the shell commands.
You can install the jenkins as as service (download the rpm package), You might need to change the ports because by default it runs http on 8080 and AJP on 8009 port.

Following process is for CentOS

1. Open up the this script (using VIM or other editor):

vim /etc/sysconfig/jenkins

2. Find this $JENKINS_USER and change to “root”:


3. Then change the ownership of Jenkins home, webroot and logs:

chown -R root:root /var/lib/jenkins
chown -R root:root /var/cache/jenkins
chown -R root:root /var/log/jenkins

4) Restart Jenkins and check the user has been changed:

service jenkins restart
ps -ef | grep jenkins

Now you should be able to run the Jenkins jobs as the root user and all the shell command will be executed as root.

how to execute a command as root in jenkins

I assume that you already added Jenkins in sudo user group, if not then add this jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL or

Is it possible to allow jenkins to access the files that only root or some specific programs have access to?

sudo su will not work because Jenkins run the command as a script, you have to option

  • inline sudo user command
  • create script and then run with sudo user

sudo su - root -c 'whoami'

Sample Image
Sample Image

or save your command to bash script, then run with sudo.

sudo /

How to run a script as root in Jenkins?

You must run the script using sudo:

sudo /path/to/script

But before you must allow jenkins to run the script in /etc/sudoers.

jenkins    ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/script

How can I run commands from Jenkins on a remote machine as root?

If your remote server allows for direct login then this should work,

ssh -l root (server name) (command_to_execute)

Check if the SSH process is running.
If your connection hangs and times out, check the SSH port 22 is open, if you can connect to this port from your Jenkins server.

Running commands as root are not recommended, and using a non root user with the permissions is advised.

Also try and ping and see if there any lost packets, from your local PC to the remote server and the hosts file, to see if the local machine can connect to the server.

Running a command as root in JenkinsFile

You are seeing "sudo not found" since sudo is not installed on your docker image.
Check the default user's ID.
i.e. For Maven, it is the root user (ID: 0).

The user may be mapped to ID, and not name.
i.e. The user ID on host is 1000, which corresponds to the user node in the image.

sh “chown -R 1000 /mydir”  /* Replace 1000 with actual user ID> */

The above command will solve your issue if the user IDs match, or else it will set an unknown owner to your files.

Please try the following Jenkins script I wrote based on the Docker image you provided.

agent any
def image = docker.image('mhart/alpine-node:8.11.3')
image.inside() {
sh 'id'
sh 'ls -lrt'
sh 'node yarn install'

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